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Guys, i am feeling that i have to apologize for not producing enough content in November and December. I am very thankfull that you are still following me, and my Patreon only grows (i dont really know why), but this is my first year in university, and it is really something new to me. It is really hard, because it takes a lot of my time, and it is generally harder than doing college stuff, like i was doing before. I am feeling obligated to work on pictures, because i want to be thankfull for all your support, but all this irl stuff is just depressing as hell.

I will try my best to stay at least at some level of content production, but i want to be honest with you about situation i am into.

Again, thanks to everyone for the support, it helps me a lot in many ways, especially in terms of knowing that some people enjoy content that i produce and of course in helps a lot in terms of not duing from starvation xD



In November you did 5 pictures using sexy girls I love, that’s more than enough for me to stay happy. Even if you posted only that view of Christie from behind I wouldn’t have complained with the month. As long as you communicate with us and don’t stop posting/talking I don’t have a problem.


I have a few Patreon’s that didn’t post for weeks or months. Don’t worry about it, it happens sometimes, and you’re pretty up front about it. Best to get the IRL shit under wraps as well!