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Frieren 1x08

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It’s been 14 hours for me but NOW it’s officially Friday


silence, it's frieren friday


Happy Frieren Friday!!! Experiencing this show with you both has me loving it even more.

Jason Parker

Happy Frieren Friday everyone!

Sergeant Jay

You should watch episodes 9 and 10 together, that’s the best option.


I think this story makes a distinction from “monsters” like demons and dragons, and animals/mammals like cows and humans. Monsters seem to be mana creatures that kind of disintegrate into mana particles when they die. Because of this, I doubt there could be any intermingling between humans/elves and demons. Though I definitely don’t know for sure


Frieren Friday!


I love frieren so much. And im enjoying your reactions so mucho too ❤︎‬


i was in the middle of the shift and then i remembered it was friday and that meant frieren. still a few hours left till i can watch, but still a bit more exited and before. specially for this and the next couple episodes.


I think the fact that you are unable to to believe that demons are just evil or completely without empathy is what makes them truly terrifying and that's what I love about it.


Wait it's Friday night and this is up before midnight CET. Shouldn't you be at some splav dancing and singing 😀

David Salazar

This is the only show that cures my HxH craving

Spilled Wine

Small detail that gets lost in translation. Japanese language has counters for different objects as an indicator for what type they're communicating. When Frieren kills the first demon, she says "one down", but in Japanese she uses the counter for animals.

A Potato

I can't wait for the next episode, it's insane and def one of the season's best


The name for the anime in Japanese is 葬送のフリーレン( Sōsō no Furīren) which could be translated as 'Frieren the Slayer'

Robert H.

I personally think the English title is better. The story is less about killing demons and more about the experience after a long journey and reminiscing.

My Toasty Toast

Girls I don’t know if you noticed this but Frieren wears her master Flamme’s earrings, and the jewels from Flame’s necklace hangs from her staff. Next time you see Flamme in a flashback you’ll see she’s wearing the jewelry that Frieren wears now. True grandma hand-me downs

Robert H.

The animation budget was really pushed hard in the next two episodes. I think only the finale of the first season was even better animated.

Robert H.

The fact that TV shows and films are given completely different names in other languages instead of translations is something I've also seen with German translations of films. For example, the movie “Once Upon a Time in the West” is called “Spiel mir das Lied vom Tod” (Play me the song of death) in German. I think it has a lot to do with marketing: Which name is better received? I've also heard of anime that are pretty good but have hardly been watched because the name didn't convince them.


The japanese title has a bit of a double meaning. In the context of the story most people would assume it means something like 'Frieren seeing of the dead' as in saying farewell at a funeral. Only in this episode viewers would realize that it's a title she's earned for killing demons.


Frieren Friday is the best Friday! You know, since it's called "Frieren the Slayer" you could also technically have "Slayer" Saturday and "The" Thursday to sneak more eps in!


Evil is a harsh word for a species that fundamentally are geared differently than humans. Like the kid demon who tried to give back a daughter for a daughter. It almost felt like it was trying to repay its sins....but in the process, created another sin. But the intent to repay the couple was there, weirdly. So hard to really classify them as evil when their brains simply work differently from humans. Without empathy is correct though.

Kristi Stefa

One point that I think the show makes a bit confusing is that normal mages use and know how to defend against Zoltraak, but the white version is for killing demons. When Quaal used it, it was black and was targeted at humans so I think Frieren adapted it to be the white version and taught it to Fern. I think the color is important to pay attention to as more mages use the spell

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

Evil people look like normal people most of the time

I Have No Enemies

They did show the demon baby that was raised by the town chief or whatever and she still resorted to violence and murder. In this story, their nature is inherently evil and not a cause of their surroundings. I enjoy that aspect of Frieren because it's different from many other shows these days that always try to find the good in antagonists or try to explain their situation as unfortunate

Sergeant Jay

I’ve heard from manga readers that 1 or 2 demons will definitely be further explored in the future and be put in different situations, so it’s probably not something that season 1 covered that much, I’m assuming that’s something that will be covered in season 2 or 3, after all this story is still nowhere near finished, it only just started, it’s still got a lot more to tell. That’s just me speculating tho, I honestly don’t know.


I more used evil in terms of how their actions are perceived much like how monster's are labeled in Dungeons and Dragons which I believe the show takes inspiration from. I also disagree that the demon kid was attempting to repay its sin's it felt more like an attempt to defend itself and potentially be let off the hook. I think there is a large difference in how you label a creature based on its intelligence these demon's know their actions are considered "bad" by humans and have been around humans for a long time at this point, I would call them evil if I lived in this world but obviously that's a big discussion that everybody is gonna have a different opinion on.


Yep, I read the manga and there's a lot more to be explored with demons for sure!


Need more Frieren Fridays Stark Sundays More Fern Mondays Himmel Humpdays

Robert H.

I'm not sure if your comment is not too spoilerish. I'd like to see them keep theorizing about what else is going to happen with demons this season.

Robert H.

It was not a baby, but a child and probably already 10 to 40 years old.

I Have No Enemies

Yeah child, not baby I misspoke. But the point still stands, they had a good enough environment and still fell into their internal instincts. As far as nature vs nurture goes, it's definitely nature for these demons


OMG some of the most hyped episodes are coming up, I cannot wait! You guys will cry and laugh!

Delmoi (忍者神)

The kanji 葬 means like "burial" and 送 means "send off" (the word for 'broadcast' is 放送 for example) - 葬送 means like "funeral rights" "attending a funeral" - it doesn't really mean "slayer." So the two meanings would be like "Frieren who's giving last rights to her friends," or "Frieren who's sending demons to their graves," - It would be better to translate the second one as like "Frieren the Undertaker" but that sounds super-cringe in English, lol. (Probably because it's the name of a pro-wrestler, lol)

Delmoi (忍者神)

I feel like the demon could eventually be taught to co-exist with humans but it's like a lot of people would have to die before she figured it out, lol. She does realize she made a mistake after people get mad at her for killing the mayor and wife.


It sucks that the only good reaction on this Patreon is for frieren. All of the other stuff is garbage tbh


i already ship Stark and Fern so hard omg i can't theyre so cuteeee. I loved this episode!!