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it’s frieren friday and we finally watched a 5 min photoshop tutorial to be the last people on this planet to start making thumbnails for videos


frieren 107

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Rather than being evil, demons are more amoral. Think of demons like cats - they meow at people for food because it gets them a reaction but they don't mean anything by it. We also don't call them evil just because they hunt, its just their nature and what they need to survive. If season 2 ever gets made, there's a really amazing arc it'll cover where the demon discussion takes center stage. It's absolutely my favorite arc of the series so lots to look forward to.

fe de

i don’t think that frieren’s portrayal of demons is as innovative as people think 🥲 but then again i’m in the minority who’s not a big fan of this show

Paska Kääpiö

I think it's a breath of fresh air in a way that there's lots of stories right now out there that make demons or other monsters misunderstood creatures that you can or are even supposed to sympathize with. Or just in general make the antagonist something very nuanced and gray. And there's nothing wrong with that when it is done well. Yet here they are just purely acting according to their nature of being predators to humans. Like you said it's not anything super innovative (and it doesn't have to be). I think the reason people like it (or at least why I do) is because it is just refreshing, nothing more. But each to their own of course.

Hannah N

Frieren's demons are like the ultimate threat to empathetic people. They win by pleading for their life and telling stories you'll connect to and hoping you're a kind enough person to hesitate. I wouldn't survive in the Frieren world

Joaquín Calderón

Girls!!! The thumbnails are beautiful! ❤️


Honestly, an entire race of Villanelles sounds like a real nightmare to deal with...

David Brown

Violet and Frieren are also classified within the slice of life genre. A little understood genre, but one that has given us some real gems in recent years.