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Frieren Episode 6

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Finally Frieren's Saturdays 😅


I'm not small 😭


I love Srieren Saturdays

Sergeant Jay

Hahaha the thumbnail is hilarious 😂 let the fern and stark bickering begin !

Mathias Lorétan

I think the joke is slightly in bad taste.. I mean that's just sexual harassment

Max Carter

Why is this show so damn good? These first 6 episodes have been as close to perfect as I've seen


Oh my god Fern...

James Long

I think the English dub is better when it comes to getting the pronunciation of the names. You can hear it in the Japanese, but I found it easier to understand in the English dub. Like Stark is said Shtark. And Eisen is Eye-zen.


You probably noticed when you edited this, but the brief flashback of the bloody fist was actually Eisen (the time he punched Stark)


Frieren Friday! 🥰 (don’t look at the date).


Also Eisen is pronounced EYE-ZEN 😁

My Toasty Toast

Frieren Faturdays ♥️💙💜

My Toasty Toast

In my head canon she actually never used the spell, she pretended to to satiate Frieren’s curiosity but also used it as an opportunity to take a shot at Stark


there’s another certain dragon show that would’ve been a lot shorter if this particular stark was there..


I can finally use this profile picture


Yeah I found out you could do this a few months ago. I'm surprised most people don't have a gif instead, I guess it's not commonly known


Fern & Stark ❤️


it's true ladies, the 2 girls 1 boy tandem is very unusual, but then again, this series has so many unconventional things from the usual shonen. we got a calm main character who's not shouting every 5 mins, a story that started off w/o a main goal yet let alone the plot that doesn't need a certain "demon" to defeat or a mountainous goal to move the plot, time measured from the year Himmel died, end of the journey prologue, a dead character who is more of a fan favorite 🤣🤣 (i.e. from popularity rankings) ... I think some of these factors are already present one by one from a lot of animanga but jam-packed into one, and a female main character, makes it a really cool and refreshing take (specially the themes so far). also I heard it from another reactor, AutoSave, but they said this is also the first time in any media that the perspective of life is finally covered from the POV of an elf. (forgot how they worded it but something like that)


"do you think there's going to be an episode where we don't cry?" just drop the drop box link we'll send some Kleenex, shouldn't be asking those questions since you also have Haikyuu on the side🤣🤣


You guys made a comment about who wrote this and well, it was a woman lol do what you will w that information

Robert H.

Before Frieren, for me, a good show had to have good plot and well-written characters. Frieren just throws out the plot and writes such good characters, dialog, and backstories that it doesn't need a bigger plot than "We're going on a journey." The show was simply a great surprise for me. I've heard before the anime was released, that the manga is good, but I personally tend to be put off when I hear fantasy (Isekai anime completely ruined the genre for me). And like you mentioned in the discussion, the anime is so special. You imagine the worst, but they create the best possible scenario from this situation. Why should Eisen strike Stark out of anger or discipline, why should Stark be ill and have little time to live? Of course Eisen simply reacted out of reflex from his strength, of course Stark doesn't want to waste that much time so he can tell Eisen about his stories. The show is made out of love.

Robert H.

It's a duo: Kanehito Yamada (writer) and Tsukasa Abe (illustrater).


Yes, I’m speaking mainly on the writing

Robert H.

Kanehito is not a woman, his caricature persona also has a moustache. https://frieren.fandom.com/wiki/Kanehito_Yamada And I found this interesting Reddit comment: [Reddit comment] Yamada Kanehito is a man. He was apparently an assistant to Wakaki Tamiki (who did The World God Only Knows). Apart from Kanehito sounding like a man's name (like, say, George, Currer, Acton, or Ellis, to pick a few names at random), when Yamada debued with Dreamer in 2012, Wakaki wrote on his blog: 山田くんは一切仕事場でも話さず(震災の時すら話さない)、心のなかでひたすら人を驚かせることを考えてる、テロリスト(おい!)みたいな男なのですが、そのアイデア爆弾の力を生かすためにも短いページの作品が良いと常々思っていた。 http://blog.wakakitamiki.coolblog.jp/?eid=1310723#gsc.tab=0 Roughly: "Yamada-kun doesn't speak at all in the workplace (not even during an earthquake), and is a man like a terrorist (oi!) always thinking in his heart about surprising people, but I always thought a short work would be good to show off the power of that idea-bomb." He uses 男, i.e. male.


damn they really called my man a terrorist cuz of his "idea bombs" whoever wrote that biography was wilding LOL


Oh interesting thank you for the correction. I had just seen a lot of folks on jp twitter mention that they were a woman and there was a photo I had seen but I didn’t fact check it or anything

Mra Keung

Proof that heiter is packing

Paska Kääpiö (edited)

Comment edits

2024-08-12 02:53:39 That's so accurate. I've watched many reactors watch this show for the first time and naturally expecting the worst like in those scenarios you described. So many animes have conditioned us to expect the worst and this story just does the total opposite of those expectations and gives us a heartwarming story and reveal after another. And often the reveals are not about some crazy big things either but about very human, everyday emotions. It's so beautiful and refreshing. And realistic. Like Milena and Lola said at the start of the next episode I think; This show is not cynical, even if it's tragic at times. It always tries to sprinkle little hope in there as well ♥️
2024-08-12 02:53:39 That's so accurate. I've watched many reactors watch this show for the first time and naturally expecting the worst like in those scenarios you described. So many animes have conditioned us to expect the worst and this story just does the total opposite of those expectations and gives us a heartwarming story and reveal after another. And often the reveals are not about some crazy big things either but about very human, everyday emotions. It's so beautiful and refreshing. And realistic. Like Milena and Lola said at the start of the next episode I think; This show is not cynical, even if it's tragic at times. It always tries to sprinkle little hope in there as well ♥️
2024-08-12 02:53:39 That's so accurate. I've watched many reactors watch this show for the first time and naturally expecting the worst like in those scenarios you described. So many animes have conditioned us to expect the worst and this story just does the total opposite of those expectations and gives us a heartwarming story and reveal after another. And often the reveals are not about some crazy big things either but about very human, everyday emotions. It's so beautiful and refreshing. And realistic. Like Milena and Lola said at the start of the next episode I think; This show is not cynical, even if it's tragic at times. It always tries to sprinkle little hope in there as well ♥️
2024-08-12 02:53:39 That's so accurate. I've watched many reactors watch this show for the first time and naturally expecting the worst like in those scenarios you described. So many animes have conditioned us to expect the worst and this story just does the total opposite of those expectations and gives us a heartwarming story and reveal after another. And often the reveals are not about some crazy big things either but about very human, everyday emotions. It's so beautiful and refreshing. And realistic. Like Milena and Lola said at the start of the next episode I think; This show is not cynical, even if it's tragic at times. It always tries to sprinkle little hope in there as well ♥️
2024-08-12 02:53:39 That's so accurate. I've watched many reactors watch this show for the first time and naturally expecting the worst like in those scenarios you described. So many animes have conditioned us to expect the worst and this story just does the total opposite of those expectations and gives us a heartwarming story and reveal after another. And often the reveals are not about some crazy big things either but about very human, everyday emotions. It's so beautiful and refreshing. And realistic. Like Milena and Lola said at the start of the next episode I think; This show is not cynical, even if it's tragic at times. It always tries to sprinkle little hope in there as well ♥️
2024-08-12 02:53:39 That's so accurate. I've watched many reactors watch this show for the first time and naturally expecting the worst like in those scenarios you described. So many animes have conditioned us to expect the worst and this story just does the total opposite of those expectations and gives us a heartwarming story and reveal after another. And often the reveals are not about some crazy big things either but about very human, everyday emotions. It's so beautiful and refreshing. And realistic. Like Milena and Lola said at the start of the next episode I think; This show is not cynical, even if it's tragic at times. It always tries to sprinkle little hope in there as well ♥️
2024-08-12 02:53:39 That's so accurate. I've watched many reactors watch this show for the first time and naturally expecting the worst like in those scenarios you described. So many animes have conditioned us to expect the worst and this story just does the total opposite of those expectations and gives us a heartwarming story and reveal after another. And often the reveals are not about some crazy big things either but about very human, everyday emotions. It's so beautiful and refreshing. And realistic. Like Milena and Lola said at the start of the next episode I think; This show is not cynical, even if it's tragic at times. It always tries to sprinkle little hope in there as well ♥️
2024-08-12 02:53:39 That's so accurate. I've watched many reactors watch this show for the first time and naturally expecting the worst like in those scenarios you described. So many animes have conditioned us to expect the worst and this story just does the total opposite of those expectations and gives us a heartwarming story and reveal after another. And often the reveals are not about some crazy big things either but about very human, everyday emotions. It's so beautiful and refreshing. And realistic. Like Milena and Lola said at the start of the next episode I think; This show is not cynical, even if it's tragic at times. It always tries to sprinkle little hope in there as well ♥️
2024-08-12 02:53:39 That's so accurate. I've watched many reactors watch this show for the first time and naturally expecting the worst like in those scenarios you described. So many animes have conditioned us to expect the worst and this story just does the total opposite of those expectations and gives us a heartwarming story and reveal after another. And often the reveals are not about some crazy big things either but about very human, everyday emotions. It's so beautiful and refreshing. And realistic. Like Milena and Lola said at the start of the next episode I think; This show is not cynical, even if it's tragic at times. It always tries to sprinkle little hope in there as well ♥️
2024-08-10 14:21:28 That's so accurate. I've watched many reactors watch this show for the first time and naturally expecting the worst like in those scenarios you described. So many animes have conditioned us to expect the worst and this story just does the total opposite of those expectations and gives us a heartwarming story and reveal after another. And often the reveals are not about some crazy big things either but about very human, everyday emotions. It's so beautiful and refreshing. And realistic. Like Milena and Lola said at the start of the next episode I think; This show is not cynical, even if it's tragic at times. It always tries to sprinkle little hope in there as well ♥️

That's so accurate. I've watched many reactors watch this show for the first time and naturally expecting the worst like in those scenarios you described. So many animes have conditioned us to expect the worst and this story just does the total opposite of those expectations and gives us a heartwarming story and reveal after another. And often the reveals are not about some crazy big things either but about very human, everyday emotions. It's so beautiful and refreshing. And realistic. Like Milena and Lola said at the start of the next episode I think; This show is not cynical, even if it's tragic at times. It always tries to sprinkle little hope in there as well ♥️