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So.... some of you may know that I lost my computer where I kept all of my work, but just in case I wanted to let it know here as well.

Mostly all of my work I've done this year has been lost, and I was careless to never do a back up. That means all unfinished animations will stay unfinished.

I will still work on the oinky comic since all the guidelines are still saved up in patreon.

It will take me some time to work on this spare computer we've had around in my family since its pretty old, it still works.

Thank you all for your patience, and sorry for this art drought.

(I will explain later more in detail what happened)



Dood with your situation no one can really be mad at you.. if anything i just feel bad. Idk how your computer got lost but i hope theres someway to recover all that work..


Sorry to hear about the PC. Hope the new PC isnt to inconvenient and things work out


Sorry to hear that moonie. Hope our support helps you get another computer soon!

Lilith Lovelight

Sorry to hear about that Moonie! Is there a PayPal set up so some of us could throw some financial support at you? 👀

Res the Jackal

Sadness! That really sucks :( sorry to hear it moonie, I hope you're able to get a new knee with time, in case it can't be found.


sorry to hear this, hoping you're dealing with everything well!


Sorry to hear that happened to you, please take your time and be safe out there