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Hey folks! Just wanted to update you guys on what's been up lately regarding my Patreon as well as in general.

I went to attend Otakuthon in Montreal, Canada this weekend, albeit not as an artist but as a regular attendee. I always keep telling myself I was going to table someday, but never end up doing it. I am currently looking into potential Western conventions I could attend to sell my works. More on that later!

At the moment I'm working on a commercial piece for a non-disclosure agreement project. Unfortunately this also means that monthly rewards for July and August will be delayed until September-October. I sincerely apologize in advance for that.

And once again I really appreciate you guys' support despite me always having to delay things again and again. I'm slowly but surely getting back into the grind!

- kana



UwU I've been to Otakuthon twice (now I live in Ontario)! I hope one day you decide to setup a table there! I dunno how it works, maybe if you are good friends with another artist you could start small and share some space with another artist?


let's double team on some tables next year


Most likely will be tabling next year at Otakuthon! And yea I was thinking of doing of sharing it with another artist for starters