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Work so far has been rather uncomfortable, but not that bad. It also has made a surprising amount of money, but your boss said the cost to turn back is incredibly high. Not something that you’d be able to afford for a while even after making nearly dozens of thousands weekly. It’s more than you know how to spend, so you end up just saving most of it to one day buy the reversal serum. While it wouldn’t be a terrible idea to just not turn back ever, you’re lucky your body has stayed the same after a few months with how often you’re threatened with more body modifications as punishment. The primary one being larger breasts, which would be incredibly cumbersome in your day to day life. It’s a pretty good motivator to not mess up.

However, with your business being rather underground and shady, it gives plenty of room to get caught in unfortunate situations. In your first few weeks, you were always very sure to be as safe as possible. But afterwards, it was always a, “It won’t ever be me” type situation. That careless mindset leads to the job you’ve landed yourself today. Yet another wealthy elite businessman that’s unable to get a girl of his own so he buys one for the experience. Unattractive, but easy. Also plenty lucrative if you decide to do a little extra.

“Hey sweetie~” You say to him as you enter his suite. He’d never do this type of thing in his own house, so an expensive hotel would suffice. He comes out to meet you, more composed than these types of guys usually would be. A good sign of an in and out operation, nothing to milk here. “Hello dearest, I’m happy you didn’t show up with some police or something. Come on in.” He jokes as he leads you to the bed right away. “You’ve got quite an exquisite taste, I like it..” You compliment him, trying to butter him up a tad. “I’m well aware, now may we get to your services?” No fun, but you’re in no place to deny him.

The man brings an unlabeled bottle over and begins to pour it all over your t-shirt, it’s the only thing you have on to cover yourself. So you could see why he’s doing it. “Tell me how that feels, it shouldn't be cold.” He’s not wrong, in fact, it’s a little warm. Tingly too. Some nice oil for him to really enjoy it, you’re not opposed to it either. It’s not the first time someone has used oil and hopefully it won’t be the last. It really brings your full attention to the pleasure felt from your tits being groped. “It’s great, it seems like they like it as well.” You comment, noticing how visible your erect nipples are through the wet white shirt. At this point though, the shirt is basically see through, only making the man more hungry for your sweater puppies.

The moment before is always the most anxious, but your anxiety is blown away the moment he starts groping through your shirt. You’re reminded of how soothing and pleasurable it is to have your melons kneaded and played with, especially with the slightly warm oil coating them and making everything so silky smooth. “Mhmmm, I can already tell that you’ll be one of my best clients~” You coo, to which he simply continues rubbing and groping. Eventually, he decides to free your tits from wet fabric prison, finally being able to apply the oil directly to your tits. Perhaps you should ask him where he’s gotten it? All you know is that you feel like putty in his hands, weak and helpless, but so amazing at the same time.

“How are you feeling?” He asks calmly. “Mnnghh… gooooh~” You moan in response. “Fantastic, I’m sure you’ll enjoy this then.” You don’t quite know what he means, but he goes to pour even more of the oil on, then slowly circles his fingers around your nipples. It’s tingly, like normal, but it just keeps getting more and more tingly. That is until he finally gives your nipples a pinch. It’s like an orgasm coming from your breasts, just as strong, if not stronger. Two at once. The man smiles as he sees he’s produced yet another success. And within a few moments, you realize that your orgasms have come at a price. Your chest feels different, heavier, even more sensitive. You look down and see them, “B~Bigger?” You stutter. “Indeed dear, it’s how I like it.” The man says devilishly. “I’m sure your future clients will like it as well, they won’t be getting smaller any time soon~”

It takes a moment for the words to process in your head. “Wait wait, n~no, you can’t do this. My boss will know, he’ll get you!” You threaten him, but he doesn’t falter for a moment, just continuing to rub your nipples getting ready to force you to grow again. “I’m sure he’ll be happy with your increased profits. He’ll have no issue. Plus, he’s a good friend of mine.” You could try to break free, but on top of being physically weaker than him, the oil and his touch has made your muscles weak and shaky. Overcome with bliss and pleasure. All you can do is beg. “Please, they’re already huge, don’t… do~nnnhhhhh~” No use, another pinch sends you spiraling into orgasm yet again, your legs quivering even more while you can feel your breasts fill larger and heavier by the moment.

In a pathetic attempt to stop him, you place your hands over his. It only serves to stimulate you even more. “I think we could do a little better, yes? Or maybe even a lot better~” The man suggests. “T~This is fine… please, they’re already so huge and sensitive…” You plead weakly. It only makes his desire stronger as he gropes and squeezes, all while he spins those dreaded circles around your nipples with his fingers. You could swear he’s been doing it for nearly 15 minutes now, much longer than before. Your suspicions are confirmed when he pinches nice and rough, sending your already massive tits exploding through cup sizes. Your back arches in response to the pleasure, combined with the dread of feeling your breasts becoming so much heavier creates a strange mix of an experience. When it’s all over though, the man is all too happy to play with your massive flesh mounds. “Perfect, dear. I’m sure you’ll come to love them. And if you don’t, we’ll keep making them bigger until you do…”

Having nearly no control over your body at this point, reduced to a quaking mess. The man realizes his opportunity and takes advantage. He slips a hand under your pussy juice stained yoga pants, of course with no undergarments underneath them. You already know you’re sopping wet down there, it’s undeniable after all of that pleasure. After all of those orgasms. And it’s all about to happen again. “Don’t worry, you’ll be paid plenty extra for this. I won’t even make you pay for that top grade expensive oil.” At the very least you're not getting put into any debt for this. Admittedly, the only thing on your mind is sex, lust, and plenty more dirty thoughts. “Just do it then…” You mutter in defeat. He does as you ask, flipping you over and having you on all fours on the bed. Your tits squish against the bed, nipples brushing against the sheets and sending tingles down your spine. You feel the man peel your tight, wet pants off before giving your ass a hearty slap.

The familiar sensation of the oil being poured on your skin strikes again, instead this time your ass is being covered by it. You know what it must mean, but at this point there’s nothing that can be done. Two hands grab onto your slick hips, and something pokes at your crotch right after. It slowly sinks deeper inside you. A still rather novel feeling, with you only having sex as a girl once or twice before. “You’re such a perfect slut, thank god I chose you.” The man demeans you before slapping you hard on the ass. “OOOOAAAHHH~” you moan uncontrollably, due to it feeling better than it probably should. Despite the slight stinging left behind, something else feels different. That can only mean one thing, but your brain can’t focus on it as the man suddenly increases his tempo, forcing the sound of PLAP PLAP PLAP to ring out in the room.

You can’t tell for sure, but each plap sounds a little different. More full, a bit louder. You know for sure now, each impact is making your ass grow. Your chest has always been your defining asset in your career with your behind being rather lacking, but it looks like the man wishes to change that for you. He thrusts again and again, ensuring that by the time he’s done your butt will have expanded big enough that those already tight yoga pants will rip the moment you try to put them back on. With one final thrust followed by a hard spank, the man thankfully pulls out and shoots his seed all over your ass. “Unfff… that stuff’s amazing…” He heaves while he admires your much wider and thicker ass. The only thing your mind can focus on is the warm, radiating pleasure coming from your pussy that’s involuntarily squirting all over the bed. It’s all too embarrassing to be in such a vulnerable position, but it’s too late now. It looks like you’ll have to start saving up for that reversal a little more aggressively now, unless you wish to deal with this overly voluptuous body for the rest of your days…


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