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Medium: Hand drawn pencil & digital.

Rationale: A quick visualization of Ahsoka's helmet integrated into armor (Thanks Trickster Mortian for inspiration and impetus to try). This is a later imagining, with a Vizsla Mando helmet integration , combining with an ME style Aegis. After this I really appreciate the headache it must've been to design something that can somewhat comfortably hold and protect lekku and montrals, but still allow the neck its range of motion. (Reminds me of the early Batman movies and the issues they had.) Its probably why in the CW show, the artists just gave her a bubble helmet for scenes in hard vacuum and just handwaved away her need for a bubble helmet in an underwater environment on Mon Cala.

The neck is both a hard ring that can rotate, providing a vacuum seal if necessary, but also has a flexible weave that expands out of it, accommodating the full range of motions the neck can make.  




that looks awsome