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Hello beauties, it's me again and I bring you a new weekly episode of "Man of House"  (─‿‿─)

Annie goes back to school, but she finds some surprises, Jane seems to have new plans for her (♡︶♡)

As always I hope you enjoy it  ❤️ ❤️ ❤️




I hope we see a maid outfit 😊


I didn't expect the two Annie's to be unified. Jhon will be able to get closer to his son and his wife but not in the way he expected. Jane's punishment include have wear a plug to school but from the way she was talking until it turned on it seems that Annie is getting used to it, maybe before long it will stop being a punishment and become something else


Hmm. Jane is so conniving. I do wonder if Sarah will try to re-live her dressing style through Annie. If it is hot Sarah could suggest Annie were short shorts, front tie halter and a scarf for the hair while she works. Of course that might affect Danny. Sarah probably would not think Annie would object after seeing the video. I am sure Sarah GF would like Annie to dressed more as a feminine tease. Question, anyone think Sarah might like girls? Also, is about time Jane have Annie to undergo a new physical tf to help with cover. There might be a swim party coming up.


The vibes I am getting is that John will be expected to be living and dressing as a young girl the while time, Sarah maybe treating him as a daughter. I hope this is not the case. If John/Annie has to become juvenile then this story is not for me and I am out of here.


Keep up the good work! Looking forward to more Annie x Daniel stuff.


I love the idea that our protagonist is working, his money is going to his wife and then she gives some of that money back and then it just goes right back to her lol.

toni case

Loved this one so muuuuuuhhhh..any time Sarah is involved. Jane and Sarah have a deal..I am sure Sarah knows it's her husband.maybe Sarah will bring home a date when Annie is over cleaning house.cant tell me any different at this point.Sarah is in on this whole deal.i think Sarah is having an office affair at the law office she works at.she loves John but she wants more freedom.and with a submissive little Annie she is going to get it.


Are you not going to put the pdf of chapter 16 and 17?