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Edit: Chose a handful of commissions to take, if I didn't email you it was not chosen. Gave some priority to those that didn't get a slot in my last batch

Sadly, I had to throw out a lot of applications because of broken links, or not following my commission info (do's and don'ts etc), please make sure to check out my rules before submitting!

Gonna be taking some thigh up colored sketch commissions (100$) ^^

If you're interested, please fill out this form 

Not FCFS, I'll be leaving the form open for a day so people have a chance to submit.



Thank you very much Kuro! This is a real treat for your patrons. I hope you get some interesting commission requests!


Thanks much, Kuro. Sending in my request.


Commissions you say? :O Request has been sent! :>


Yaaaaas more commissions from Kuro ill always try for a slot


Ooh, I'm not missing this opportunity.


I would love a commission but I don't have enough money. Best of luck to those who submit those forms in


Changed my mind, scrambled for references the last couple of hours and hope I get selected!


Early congratulations to those lucky ones that are selected!


Closing off responses now :)

Andrew Brown

Hopefully I'll be able to do a commission later, I hope I get a note when they open back up!


Best of luck on those comms! I'm sure you'll do a lovely job.


Sadness, not picked. Oh well fingers crossed for next time


Do you know when you’ll open commissions next time? I never got a notification that you were opening them up


I don't have a schedule, I open them when I have the freetime and desire to do so :o I also don't send out any manual notifications, I'll post about openings on Patreon or Twitter, but it's up to the potential commissioner to be on the look out


Gotcha thank you for the response