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DS s2 ep 18 patreon

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Jacob Elliott

Wow lol I guess I was wrong about them not dying in the last episode, but wow! they had such a sad backstory! Cannot wait for the next season! gonna be insane! So this is after my reaction but I thought the exact same thing as you, I would have rathered them heal them in a different way, Nezuko being able to do that felt kind of cheap to me...also I kind of only thought she could burn her own blood but whatever. TBH I think he moved up a bunch of ranks, I think it would be so cool if he is the top most upper rank! also lmao I thought he was pretty hot when I saw him as well with those extremely beautiful rainbow eyes!


Yesss I’ve been waiting! Time to cry 😭

Komachi fag

Maybe it’s just me but Tanjiro’s sympathy for demons really annoyed me. Like, sure they might have sad backstory or whatever but they devoured around 19 Hashira and thousands of innocents humans.

20 16

Of course its comes from some one named adult hitler . Tanjiro didn't even show that much sympathy this time around.


Why did I know that she was gonna simp for douma LMAO

Christian Garcia

incredible season, and the third season is already confirmed


Nezuko's blood demon art was always able to nullify other blood demon arts. Had the poison not been a demon ability it wouldn't have worked.


They gotta change tanjiros name to sympathy lol Their backstory was nice, and that new demon looks tough tough... Wished the snake dude showed up quicker :( . . . oooo muzan was piss..d Tanjiro is gonna show up again, and hold the L.A Rams in his arms as the Bengals win tonight-o :)


Obani comes in talking shit to Tengen when he would’ve 100% got clapped in like a minute by Gyutaro. That poison would’ve spread through his tiny little body so fast lol


Probably burned the poison out of their blood


apparently the demon slayer swordsmith village arc was announced with no set release date


Well when Nezuko fought Daki, Daki mentioned the Nezuko's fire only hurts/affects demons so it's not really a stretch, makes more sense than a miracle antidote that just appears.


Back in the days I was going through any Douma’s(new demon) manga panel, I can just hear Miyano Mamoru (new demon’s VA ) talking to me. Like they are matching 100000%


If only they let the scene with Akaza play out....


If you think Akaza is scary remember he's Upper Three so there are 2 more scary than him! It's a small victory since Gyutaro was Upper Six and and the weakest...

Brian Gerald Ford

Man I love the voice they gave to Former Upper Sixth. Also I like the dedication to have demons go to Hell when they die despite their backstory. It really makes it even more depressing to know that people who were basically thrust into demonhood are doomed to Hell.


Upper moon 1 gonna give you the hibby jibbies lmao

Romi Alfan

Season 3 confirmed!!!


Idk Obanai can hold his own, he aint a Serpent hashira for nothing he probably more agile than Tengen.


what a great season. I hope the gap between this one and the next isn’t too bad. personally I have no problem with the poison solution! since it’s a known thing that nezukos blood demon art flames burn other blood demon arts. It only makes sense to me that she would be able to nullify the poison from his blood art too by destroying it with her flames. And to me it makes sense that she couldn’t have done it any sooner, because she really went through it with all the things that went down in her fight and had to sleep to heal. she probably woke up as soon as she possibly could. But yeah I’m excited for more. Thanks for the reactions from this season

Ryuuji Gremory

Though you have to keep in mind is that it's most likely not Christian hell were they would simply suffer for eternety but buddhist/Japanese hell. They are doomed to hell but in the end, even if it takes a ridiculous amount of time, their souls will return to the cycle and be reborn, getting another chance.


Is there no reaction to the mugen train movie?