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Yeahhhhh so i've posted about this elsewhere plenty but the original got hit with a bullshit age restriction (that, of course, youtube refuses to actually explain to me), so I was given no choice but to pull the original and upload a re-edited version. the changes are incredibly slight, but they should be enough to keep me out of trouble this time. updating you here to avoid any potential confusion. the Q&A thread is still just fine how it is. which, new patrons, you're still more than welcome to submit stuff over there, it'll be a bit before I'm able to record the Q&A anyway since alyssa's out of town.

MORE IMPORTANTLY though, thank you all so much. I'm so overwhelmed by the generosity you've all shown in the face of a really shitty situation befalling a video i really loved and believed in. I try not to pay too close attention to the numbers, but, like, holy shit, I just hit 1000 patrons. that's absurd! thank you all so much. I'll put it out there now that my hand may be forced a bit to rearrange the structure of this patreon, but i've been putting thought primarily into how to ensure everyone is able to retain the perks they appreciate most, regardless of how much they're pledging. That's still something i'm brainstorming, and you'll all be the first (well, and the only) to hear about it when I have more news on the subject.

the long and short is: youtube's automated system fucked me over pretty bad but you've all been incredibly generous and kind in assuaging things. I really couldn't be grateful enough. thank you all so much.


The Forgotten Hero Of 90s Anime

i really like tenchi universe : ) bird site: https://twitter.com/afewbruises patreon: https://www.patreon.com/HazelYT song list: https://i.imgur.com/1zioJMW.png 2nd channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9P1nNJvNyzHtjnGTkRFKSQ wife: https://twitter.com/lovelandisle (remastered toonami bumpers courtesy of SlimD716V2)



Hey boss! I like your content lots! I'm just happy to be here!

Anilea Annuler

YouTube hats quality contents and it shows.


the absolute RUSH of endorphins i got when i saw you uploaded some Tenchi shit. thank you for the vid lol.