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Here's the full length reaction to Episode 2 ("Please Remain Calm") of Chernobyl! I'm only two episodes in, but I'm already blown away by this show! I wish I had more time to record yesterday because I feel like I could've binged all five episodes at once. I'm so invested already! I think this will end up being my favorite show I've watched for the channel. Enjoy!


CHERNOBYL EPISODE 2 - Full Length Reaction!

Welcome Patrons! Thank you so much for being a part of my Patreon community! I'm so truly grateful for your support. Here is the full length reaction to Episode 2 of Chernobyl! Enjoy! My Instagram: addie_counts


james repka

It is a great series and the technical explanations about the accident, the clean up, and generally how nuclear plants work are done well. I promise you, some of what's coming will be even harder to watch, but it's all worth it. Chernobyl facts: Almost 40 years later, that big pile of firemen's uniforms thrown into that store room in the Pripyat hospital are still there, and still highly radioactive. Pripyat it still in the process of being re-integrated into the surrounding forest. Wild animals have returned and seem to be thriving. In 2019, shortly after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a division of Russian troops were stationed near the Chernobyl exclusion zone. After digging trenches around their encampment, a number of the soldiers were evacuated after showing symptoms of radiation poisoning. Iodine-131 is a common byproduct of uranium fission. As iodine absorbed by humans is concentrated in the thyroid gland this is a dangerous isotope to have around in the days after a release. Iodine pills saturate your body with stable iodine, so any radioactive stuff you consume will pass through you quickly. As its half-life is only 8 days, it is mostly gone from the environment within a few months.


Addie, you didnt notice it, but if you rewind and look, the radiation didn't destroy the helicopter in that crash. It flew into the smoke and as a result the pilot didn't see the huge crane there and the propeller struck the cable. You can see the cable tumble with the helicopter after the blades hit it. Yea, the irony of this whole disaster is that it happened during a safety test.