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Robin looks at another wrong man on the run thriller.


52 Weeks of Hitchcock: 30. Young and Innocent

Robin talks about one of Hitchcock's most lightweight films, but also one of his most fun.



Another enjoyable review. I find it reassuring that you sometimes need to verify your facts, because I am always having to double check things before posting. Would be fascinated to know just how extensive your reference library is.


Great review I really liked this one. It really did seem to work well. I always think that the reason Hitchcock msn on the run films work is because they are about the man and the people he encounters, rather than the person chasing him.


I think this is a really good point! It makes you wonder how Hitchcock would have filmed something like Les Miserables, where you are engaged with both Jean Valjean and Javert. How would he deal with Javert's take on justice and so on?


"The problem is the absence of handcuffs" and renaming this "The Girl Was Young" could make someone new to Hitchcock think they were about to see a very different type of film!


First things first, I hope you're enjoying these essays as much as we are. They are always interesting, informative, full of discovery and rediscovery. I remember seeing "Young and Innocent" for the first time and being knocked out of my seat by the audacity of the mine sequence. Who, in their right mind, would even attempt something like that? Concerning how hard it is to get a man-on-the-run story right, it's certainly not a comedy, but when's the last time you looked at "Three Days of the Condor"?


I wonder if the title 'Young and Innocent' is one reason it's less well-known. It definitely not one you should Google.


The title sounds like a NWOBHM track from Diamond Head or Iron Maiden (well the former had a track called Sweet and Innocent, which is probably what made the connection For me)


I think I dismissed this film unseen, assuming it was like Rich & Strange (similar title), but I guess I had better watch it now! I have indeed seen that famous shot, but would never have associated it with such an innocuous title.