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Looking forward to more live streams. Hope to be able to participate next time!


Likewise. Time zones screw me up though. Hmmm... why are the video and sound not synchronized?


Great video. Sylvester Stallone may not have been in ‘Staying Alive’ but the film is basically a showcase for his brother Frank’s music career.


Edgar Wright's Sean of the Dead, which I think is still his best film. Jonathan Lynn's Clue, a cult comedy which I love. The last time I watched Maltese Falcon I did not enjoy it. It's technically good, but the acting of the two leads is somehow melodramatic and wooden at the same time. I only enjoyed the film when they were off-screen.

steve scibelli

I think any small part of this installment could be a full one. Great!


I always liked John Carpenter's first film "Dark Star" - Spaced out in Space with a Spaced out Bomb: cracking Tagline. Or, Ridley Scott's "The Duelists," which is an incredible piece of work.


One streaming show to consider doing is the very final film of a great or good director. You will be doing one eventually with Hitchcock's Family Plot. Not the triumph that Frenzy was or the failure Topaz was. Just a pretty good minor film (almost resembling a TV movie) to end his career on. Try covering the very last films of different directors.