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We didn't get around to recording the Masters of the Universe Detractor's Commentary, so here are some updates and Patreon Q&A to fill the void.  We will be back with the Detractor's Commentary soon.


Updates and Q&A



Thank so much for this. Don't comment on every Patreon DC post but watch and thoroughly enjoy them all. And a huge "Hello and thank you!" to the Official DCSA! (Dark Corners Scientific Advisor) Sir, your contributions towards making us all just a little bit smarter are very much enjoyed and appreciated.


Thank you as always, guys, and to Robin’s Dad too of course. This is the first I’m hearing about Shadow requests, Graham, is it because I send recommends already?

John Hepp

Thanks for sharing this. I always enjoy these behind the scenes peeks.


Delighted to hear that you are looking for a film specifically to highlight the Science Advisor. Perhaps you could do it in a question & answer format, to gradually expand his catchphrase from "No...." to include "Yes..." which could be subtly shaded to suggest "Yes... but..."


Great video. Looking forward to the upcoming specials, although I can understand Robin's frustration with Bond. When it comes to red telephone boxes and you are in Piccadilly you can go to the Royal Academy and see the prototype red telephone box just in the gates where it has been, in service, since the 30s. It's slightly larger than the production one and has a flip down seat. When it comes to accents Martin Landau's Lugosi was pretty good.


I was involved in a film about 14 years ago and we needed a red Telephone box. Took a lot of research to find one at a filling station, hidden in the countryside in deepest Scotland.


When I first went to Scotland in the 80s they had the K8 style, the fibreglass one with plain glass, everywhere and none of the older ones. I think because the cast iron would rust in the weather, although the K8 was more always more prevalent the further out you go from London.


Lots of specials to look forward too! I know what you mean about small theaters; here in Seattle we lost The Harvard Exit, and I loved seeing films there. I saw The Artist, Down With Love, In The Mood for Love, Beloved...(lotsa love in that building!)


Thanks for the update, guys! I am looking forward to Dracula's Death. I assume Robin has seen that silent Cthulhu film at some point? I'm also looking forward to the Val Lewton special. It's a shame it will come out in your slow period. If only there was a tradition of watching horror films at Christmas. As far as low budget period films go, of course, Lewton's last three RKO horrors were technically period pieces (Body Snatcher, Bedlam, and even Isle of the Dead). Things films get wrong: I'm not a trained medic, but I noticed when a doctor in The Cell used the word "infraction" when he should have said "infarction" (The Cell, directed by Tarsem Singh, is an underrated psychedelic horror thriller IMO).


We always watch a horror film with a romantic theme and have brunch on Valentine's Day. Last Year it was Candyman.


Weird accents? How about Drusilla in the TV series Buffy? No idea where that came from and I'm a South Londoner. Or anybody trying to copy Bela Lugosi's accent. Yes, Landau got it, but he was imitating Bela, not Dracula, so there was no over stressing of words.


90% of people impersonating Lugosi as 'Dracula' are actually impersonating Lou Costello impersonating Dracula. Lugosi never said "Bluuuuu Bluuuuu" was Costello.


Mademoiselle Fifi was a Lewton period film that was wholly uninteresting. I love Carnival of Souls but is very much hampered by it's budget.