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Detractor's Commentary: Action USA



If I ever have to got into Witness Protection, I'd rather be looked after by Tommy Lee Jones and Nicholas Cage on a sugar high than these two clowns!


Whenever I watch any kind of heist/action film, I start making a list of things I, a schlubby 49 year old woman, would know better than to do whilst robbing Fort Knox/stealing the microchip with the plans for the megaweapon/kidnapping the president. Number one seems to be: hire good help who know what they're doing and stay out of prison as proof, and also want to take care of their moms. Number two is keep your damn trap shut about where you're hiding out and how you plan to get across the country. Number three is don't plan to live off the ill gotten gains, especially easily traced goods like high quality diamonds.


I've actually heard someone who was there at the time say of Kray Twins "Oh they were good boys, they always looked after their mum". As if that excused everything.


I'm pretty sure Curley, Larry and Moe could do a better job.


I don't suppose this movie has a theme song that inludes the name of the movie in it?