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Robin looks at another Hitchcock silent and perhaps the director's most underrated film.


52 Weeks of Hitchcock: 28. The Farmer's Wife

Robin looks at one of Hitchcock's most underrated and most charming films.


Stephen Crane

So was this an inspiration for the Nanny?


Sorry this went out early - must have hit publish instead of schedule. rb


Early's okay with me! Minta sounds like she was a maid-of-all-work, which was pretty standard for the middle class country life--successful farmers would need someone just to keep up with the endless labor of the day, and their wives were usually continually pregnant, plus you had absolutely no hope of gaining status in society without at least one servant. It was the equivalent of a house cleaner only she lives on premises.


Couple friends of mine and I do a movie lunch day, usually Friday, each week. One of us hosts and provides a simple lunch. We then watch a movie. This week we watched "The Farmer's Bride" based on your commentary, which was insightful and passionately compelling. None of us had seen it and we all came away agreeing with your assessment. It is a brilliant film. Thank you so much for sharing your insights into these timeless films.


I so glad you enjoyed it. It's a real pleasure to be able to introduce films like this to a new audience. rb


Great video. I enjoy this one. I think that he did use the romcom technique in later films, like ‘Suspicion’ to draw people in and make them forget it’s a Hitchcock film.