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Detractor's Commentary: The Invisible Ghost



PTS Therapy, New Approaches in Dungeon Design...


One thing I find is a common thread in these quickie films is that as long as the most bare-bones, basic relationships are laid out: Father, Daughter, Servant, Fiancee, Cop, and so on, nobody working on them seems to question or notice how crazed the actions of these characters get. Wife was in car crash? Why wouldn't the gardener keep her in his basement for half a decade? He's a loyal servant! Fiance' unjustly accused and executed? No reason to react at all when the twin brother you never knew he had shows up and is the only one even a little put about about this situation.


Cheers for the shout :)


Haven't seen the film, but is it possible that Bela was told about the car accident and refuses to accept that his wife is dead? So he's already delusional and when he sees his wife looking like death warmed over, it just pushes him into an unexplainable desire to snuggle people in his coat...

Stephen Crane

No, she's very much alive in it. Unlike everyone who snuggles with Count Doctor.


The picture of Clara Bow was by Geza Kende, a Hungarian artist and close friend of Lugosi's (They basically seem to have been exiled at the same time been in the same places after) so that is probably how he got away with hanging it with the later wives. Bela also owned a landscape of Lugos, his birthplace. The National Portrait Museum in London has a couple of Kende's pictures. They list him as Kende Geza, as traditionally Hungarian's put the family name first.