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Robin looks at one of Hitchcock's most troubling films, both in front of and behind the camera.


52 Weeks of Hitchcock: 26. Marnie

Robin looks at one of the most difficult of Hitchcock's films both on and off screen.



Another excellent and informative review. It's been many, many years since I watched Marnie. Now, perhaps, I know why

James Herington

I just got finished watching the Birds with Tippi Hedren as part of the TCM Hitchcock marathon


I only watched Marnie once, when I was young, but this confirms the impression I got of it. The movie has great photography and music, and some strong scenes, but is somehow malformed and disjointed. The casting doesn't help; not only Hedren but also Connery, who isn't bad but just seems a complete duck out of water in this kind of film. Oh well. I might listen to the music again tonight!


Great video. One thing I read was that Connery really didn’t like Noel Marshall calling him a gold digger, suggesting it was Marshall who soured the relationship between Hedron and Hitchcock.


I didn't know any of the development details for the film, really interesting to find out. It's been a while since I watched Marnie. I may have to watch it again with all the info in mind. Thanks again for another great video.


Marnie's one of those films where I've heard more about it as a process (and a nightmare) than as the film itself. I think the fact that it's about sexual dysfunction might inform some of the rumors about what happened between Hitchcock and Hedren, but honestly, she had absolutely no power in a relationship that was devouring her, with a man who openly wanted her to be someone else. Even if he never laid a finger on her physically that kind of mental dominance is absolutely abusive.

Stephen Crane

I don't think this film would have been saved by having Grace Kelly in it. Maybe it would have motivated Hitchcock to take a tighter control on the writing. I did enjoy it when I saw it a couple of months ago. Though its psychology is Twisted Nerve level bad.


I've been going through the Hitchcock's I hadn't seen and Marnie was next on my list. Because I saw you made this video, I gave it a view. Then I watched your video. I think you liked it a bit more than I did. I didn't buy smarmy and super confident Sean Connery throwing it all away because he was smitten by the third best looking woman in the film, and Tippi was not up to acting challenge. Throw in pop psychology nonsense and a dumb ending and this was the least satisfying Hitchcock film I'd seen in quite a while.