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Sorry this is a little late...

Good Robin has escaped from lockdown and is bowing to pressure and reviewing his first Neil Breen film... Twisted Pair 2018.  

Buy Robin's books (UK) https://amzn.to/2F7Blbf (USA) https://amzn.to/3kmGMD3  

 Buy Twisted Pair (UK) https://amzn.to/2UegMBd(USA) https://amzn.to/3xI4eQX 

Facebook: http://on.fb.me/RvhRdc  

Twitter: https://twitter.com/DarkCorners3 @DarkCorners3  

Summary: During their youth, Cade and his identical twin brother Cale (both portrayed by Neil Breen) were abducted by an unknown power and modified to become Humanoids, secret agents who are out to stop evil. Cale didn't fit in with the program and was fired. Cade, as an adult, is introduced on a mission where he is protecting troops. He returns to headquarters and meets with his boss, who suggests that he take a vacation. Cade laments not having seen his brother since before he became a Humanoid.

Written and presented by Robin Bailes @robinbailes  

Directed and Edited by Graham Trelfer  



(No title)



The scene with the chained suits running thru their list of crimes was trenchant and funny. You mean it wasn't meant to be???


Thanks for including it.


This thing has special effects & acting worthy of appearing on a double bill with Birdemic for a captive audience of white collar criminals chained to the wall. Over, and over, and over again, until they recite their crimes aloud...


Say what you like about his competence or even intelligence, Breen is certainly a visionary!


This movie gives me visual aids! It's forking awful. There are so many of these vanity directors going about, do they have their own guild?

David Nevarrez

Wow, that just looked painful to sit through. I've watched a lot of DIY amateur films, some are quite creative, but this comes off like a total vanity project. Reminds me of sitting through several by DIY crapster Todd Sheets.


This is worse than Olympus Force: The Key and might even be worse than Birdemic.

Stephen Crane

As I am a Patreon, if I was asked I would have said if you're going to do this damned silly thing, please don't do it in my name. I like bad movies as much as the next guy but they've got to at least have the appearance of the director and stars giving a damn. This...I use the term movie extraordinarily loosely...was just some guy's wankfest. Absolutely no offense intended to Robin but I couldn't finish the review.


This review has to count as public service. A bloody warning to the curious, to be specific. Thank you so much for this.


Love the evil twin and great as always but you really don't need to review this kind of stuff. I've seen this film covered by half a dozen other channels, it's not your core competency.


I vote for Last Vampire on Earth and Diamond Cobra vs. The White Fox, both reviewed over on Red Letter Media. The latter especially is the spiritual descendant of Neil Breen--one completely talentless person wrote, starred, and directed and convinced whatever friends and family owed them favors to appear in the worst, most wretched pile of self-indulgent lunacy ever produced for public viewing.


As I said above in reply to David, Diamond Cobra vs. The White Fox is eerily perfect for this particular kind of review--it's a feminist version of Neil Breen, basically. A young woman wrote, starred, directed and did the "effects" for a crazed, endless hellscape of a film that is the equivalent of being tied to a chair in a filthy basement while your most boring relative relates, in detail, the dream they had last night. Grow out that goatee, evil Robin, you're needed again.


Neil Breen definitely gives a damn. He thinks he is making great art and saving the world!