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Not a Hitchcock film on the tip of anyone's tongue. Robin looks at one of the least seen of Hitchcock's films. (Sorry if you were expecting Marnie this week)


52 Weeks of Hitchcock: 25. Juno and the Paycock

Robin talks about one of the least talked about Hitchcock films, and one of his most unusual titles.



I've been aware of the title for as long as I can remember, but had no idea what it was about. It's nice to finally find out!


Thanks for the review; good to get the theatrical perspective on this adaptation of a play. Hitchcock's connection to the IRA assassin is interesting. I wonder if the Irish struggles were like the Spanish civil war 20 years later, with romantic Brits going over to fight in what seemed like a very black and white conflict between freedom and oppression. I know the composer Arnold Bax was enamoured of Ireland and things "Celtic" early in his career. He became disillusioned after the 1916 uprising, in which several people he knew were killed, and his music subsequently became more abstract.


Great review. It’s an interesting film.

Stephen Crane

I come here to find out about the unknown and unseen and this is part of it.


Sorry to hear about your TV, that's a bugger for your reviews. You should ask on here to see if anyone has a spare one.