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Robin looks at a film in which Hitchcock seems to have very much entertained himself.


52 Weeks of Hitchcock: 21. Number Seventeen

Robin looks at another film with an odd backstory, and a film open to interpretation of what the director was trying to do.



I suppose that it's better to have the best part at the end than the worst part, as you are more likely to remember and be influenced by the last thing that you see. "Tetchy Hitch" sounds like tea-cup throwing time!


Great video. I remember liking the end as well. I saw a version of the stage play in Edinburgh once, it was basically a slam door farce but with the Ben character constantly breaking the fourth wall.


For those not subbed to a streaming service, Number Seventeen can be viewed here: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x21heqt

David Nevarrez

Think I saw this one. Have seen most of his films, tho' still need to catch up with some of his earliest. Also, loved learning about "Quota Quickies"; always intrigued by the cheap side of cinema, whether the American exploitation pretending to be educational (REEFER MADNESS being the classic one) and the "Poverty Row" B-movies, on up to the current amateur productions which have been boosted by digital video - now going to be looking for 'em.