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Detractor's Commentary: Twisted Pair



Robin has either engaged in Time Travel or invested in a bottle of Super Beard Grow Serum since he shaved for the review and is now, once again, hirsute. Unless.... he really is Twins!


Dear Dark Lords: Please consider reviewing The Keeper (1976), Intended as a comedy thriller, so a little out of your wheelhouse, but it features Christopher Lee. Now I know he was in a number of bad films, but none of them intended to be bad. The Keeper is so heroically bad that I love it! Lee's a mad doctor with a hypnosis machine & doesn't die at the end!


I've recently been thinking about Corman's Poe films. I assume a long-form video on this is planned for "sometime in the future"? And there are various tangentially related films in the Poe/Corman style from the same period, including some directed by Corman.


Why do these detractor's commentaries always look so grey? Is it a special filter?


I could stand a video dedicated to shop talk about cinematography if you’re up to it.


I wonder if Breen's films could be described as accidentally Brechtian - Brechtian in the sense of being deliberately contrived and unreal in order to prevent the audience from suspending their disbelief, thus focusing their attention on the issues being raised. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epic_theatre


It looks like it's shot in the gamma setting Slog2 or 3, ungraded. It can be graded to bring up the colour in post.


Great to see some Keaton when talking about doing the multiple thing. He came up with the method for doing that by adapting surveying tools he was trained to use in WW1. The thing with the picture reminded me of the WWE. A chair appears between matches so someone can be hit over the head with it. I know a lot of people compare Breen to Wiseau, but at least Tommy is a character. Breen is just bland. As for the government getting it banned, would that work. 'Another Nice Mess' a film where Nixon and Agnew are portrayed as Laurel and Hardy was not picked up by many cinemas until Nixon tried to have it banned.

David Nevarrez

Shish, this guy is so bad. Even Georges Melies did the double of himself better more than 100 years ago (and even doing it with himself and 3 of his heads in 1898), Also the first version of DER STUDENT VON PRAG ('13), in which the title character is haunted by his released reflection.

John Hepp

I really enjoyed this detractor's commentary and I learned a lot from it. I found the movie odd, a cross between Bertolt Brecht (whom I admire) and Don Dohler (whom I have a great deal of empathy for because his films fail on most levels but you can tell he tried). After viewing this commentary and the review, I have gained a new tolerance for Tommy Wiseau.

Stephen Crane

I remember reading the review of Schiller's The Robbers where the reviewer said that had the Sumerians known it would have been written they would never have invented writing. I say the following: If the Lumiere brothers had known that Neil Breen was going to create Twisted Pair then they would have never invented filmmaking.


The last broken glass scene I had to film involved a quick cutaway from someone punching trough a window to a reaction shot of an actor having cut up plastic cups thrown at him. Effective and simple. - Not a waterfall of confetti. Everything about this home movie hurt my brain.


"Accidental" would be the correct word, all right. I'm sure Breen is, in his own mind, doing precisely this--being The One Man brave enough to ferret out and display the corruption of the secret world order or whatever.


I think Breen is different from filmmakers like Ed Wood and Ray Dennis Steckler in that they both truly were committed to their idea of themselves as, specifically, filmmakers. That is, they loved movies, they loved making movies, and considered their products worthy and special. Breen, on the other hand, is simply using this particular form of media to inform the world that he is the most special, spectacular person alive and the only one who knows The Truth About It All. It takes the term "vanity project" to a whole new level.