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Detractor's Commentary: Light Blast



And just where, pray tell, is the Science Advisor? Enquiring Minds want to know!


I'll second the motion. Where, pray tell, is your science officer of the good ship Dark Corners? We desire a cameo appearance.


You mean for the Commetary? Because he was in the review! Turns out liquid crystal can't be made into bombs.


My guess is that when there is some seemingly ludicrous bit of scientific mishegoss that actually turns out to be true, we'll get a special of the SA explaining it.


IIRC the wife in this was Estrada's real wife at the time. Their son Brandon is known as "The Taylor Swift of Pole Vault". After a stint on a reality show where various D listers became reserve police officers Estrada continued with this and still serves in that capacity.


For some reason, in this terrible movie, the makeup effects for gunshots are very good. I do makeup and sfx effects and it had me stumped. Were these some of the "seriously injured" stunt performers that they just shot as effects were too expensive?

Alex B

As for the placing of the nude scene, I'd say it is there for ease of cutting. If censors wouldn't allow it, just lop off a few minutes at the beginning and you're done.


That's a good point, and now I think about it this isn't the first time we've seen nudity in the first scene and nowhere else. rb