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Detractor's Commentary: Mission Stardust



‚Perry Rhodan‘ actually is a German pulp magazine series running continuous from 1961 till today. My father read it as a young man and it has a rather solid cult following. The greater story-arcs are divided in cycles of about 50 to 100 issues and this Italian movie is a condensation of the first cycle, shoehorning in the whole gangster stuff. And, of course, all the titillation, because Germans didn’t have sex before 1968. It’s not very popular among fans and has never been, to say the least.


Graham, I didn’t become a Shadow to have you yadda yadda your dissertation on the intricacies of Tatooine-ian junk trader - Jedi interactions. Also, lets all give a round of applause to Michael Collins because it would have driven a lesser man to madness later in life to have gone 99% of the way to The Moon but not step foot on it.


Nipple Cosies, of course! And here I thought they were tea strainers. Guess she just likes a little air flow....


Billy Connelly once said "Never trust a man who when left alone in a room with a tea cosy doesn't try it on." I guess the same is true of alien women.


This was a weird film. It reminded me of one of the films were it is edited down from a series. Although here it is chopped from a comic. I always believed the speeder race was only there because LucasArts had developed a really great racing engine that no bugger wanted to license. So they had to make up a reason to have their own game.


I enjoyed Robin's wistful melancholy at the fact that mercury is poisonous. FYI, human civilisation is about 6000 years old.


Robin, go get your Dad, I want to hear a process engineers take upon the uses of Mercury.


Daffodil peek 10:44! It's shy today. I like Robin's pointing out that if they've achieved intergalactic space travel they've really been slacking for 10,000 years.


I got an email telling me that you had replied to one of my comments thusly : O Why can't they tell me which comment it was or provide a link, or something useful???


Hmmm, I can't remember which one that was; I don't usually do emoticons. But I'm sure the comment was witty and well concieved!

Jasmine Zantara

I busted up laughing between 06:48 to 07:23