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Streaming Review: Flesh And Blood: The Hammer Heritage Of Horror



Thanks so much! Was not aware of this documentary. Very much looking forward to viewing it. (Now that you've given it your "DC Seal of Approval". :)


Check out the Peter Cushing & Christopher Lee Final Meeting clips posted on YouTube by the Peter Cushing Appreciation Society. Some wonderful behind the scenes tom-foolery from the recording session.


Will do. Thank you so much!


Good review! Not sure if I would want Hammer to reboot any of its classics; Lee & Cushing are so firmly established in their iconic roles that it's hard to think of anyone else playing those parts in a Hammer film.

Stephen Crane

I feel there's no way that the current zeitgeist would allow Hammer's style free reign. I'd rather remember Hammer in its heyday than see an anaemic copy.


Great review, I saw this one a while back, although IIRC it was broadcast in two part and sadly Peter Cushing left us right around that time. I actually had an idea for Frankenstein having perfected the technique from '…created woman' so changing bodies himself, having a bit of a face turn by trying to stop a Mengela style Nazi doctor during WW2 from using his work to create super soldiers. However I realised it was actually very close to the plot of the 'Puppet Master' franchise. Although I think that the modern Hammer are right to steer clear of the classics and go for "something new yet as old as time" to quote Johnny Alucard.


I'd like to see 'To the Devil a Daughter' remade. I've always felt it was a potentially great film that fell into the wrong hands. My casting choices would be Toby Jones in the Richard Widmark role (much more relateable) and Ralph Fiennes in the Lee role. He has a creepy, sinister quality to him.


In our current political climate they'd all have to be gender swapped. Countess Drakul! and the transgendered monster... I'm going to sleep now, wake me in 20 years when this is over.


This is why I support this channel. Over the years, my knowledge of the horror genre in films has grown exponentially, for which I am eternally grateful to you guys. BTW - View it here for free on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p2J7fPscjv4