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Detractor's Commentary: Dollman



To paraphrase a friend, a bad comedy is worse than any other movie genre, because any other genre can be bad enough it becomes funny. By definition, a bad comedy cannot.


I can just hear Ted Bovis “The first rule of comedy, always end with Uranus”


A lot of my jokes and jokey comments miss the mark. I put it down to having a bizarre Californian/English sense of humour that doesn't translate.


You can always tell that you're on an alien world, or in a fantasy culture, because while every other word they use is the same as ours, they all have some different, weird word for units of time.


Sadly, the joke is probably lost on modern youth, who have no idea what an "anus" is.


In re the Hammer Dracula's "ripping off" the US ones, not only were those films based on the same novel, but Universal was the distributor, at least in the early days, and absolutely would not have allowed blatant rip-offs to get into the cinemas.


You were thinking of Angels Revenge, Robin. And speaking of that type of movie: how about a review of Rape Squad (1974)? I mean assuming you want instant demonitization.


I thought he meant Future War, but that character wasn't a teacher--she was a former druggie who was getting ready to take her vows as a nun.

Stephen Crane

Like Alan Alda's character says in Crimes and Misdemeanors (Woody Allen's last great film), "if it bends, it's funny. If it breaks, it's not funny."


Or to quote Jimmy Perry "Limp celery is funny, stiff celery is rude" This was about the running gag in 'Allo Allo' however born out by Sky in the UK cutting a gag from 'The Nanny' for being too suggestive for it's use of stiff celery.


I thought it was a very good review; it's hard to define a film as a comedy, when it so spectacularly fails to define itself as such: it simply isn't funny; and Thomerson's performance doesn't give many clues because, to be blunt, that was pretty much all he did in every film. His style worked well in 'Trancers' and 'Zone Troopers', but they were pastiches as opposed to comedies, so the viewers knew he was winking at the camera rather than laughing in its face.


Honestly, I don't think Dollman was meant to be a straight-up satire or comedy. I think Charles Band was building up the Full Moon brand with films that were more action and horror. In an interview, Charles Band was hoping to have these films as part of a Full Moon universe, only with the heroes and villains being more horror related.


Hence the sequel which tied this in with Demonic Toys and Bad Channels. But Band was shoehorning in unnecessary crossovers way before The MCU.

