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Detractor's Commentary: The Devil's Messenger



"The Girl in the Ice" - I think he froze the guy to death. That could have been liquid nitrogen that was pouring out onto his head.


The Devil keeps his files on Rolodex because it is labor intensive & time consuming. Every day the system has to be updated with new names & details; a batch of non-typists spend eternity typing up the cards, while some pour damned souls have to reshuffle all of the cards to keep them in the right order. Some other poor sod is tasked with sharpening pencils, which are then used to poke people with, just 'cause it's fun!


I did enjoy the first story, mainly for its creepy tone. I didn't know it was based on an M.R. James story. I just saw "Killer Crocodile" (1989), a blatant Italian Jaws-ripoff, but it might make a good Dark Corners review.


In the mid 90s SyFy or Bravo showed 13 Demon Street. I think there was some editing for the film. Chaney would appear multiple times to fill in details (before and after each ad break) so you had more info than was shot. 'Spider-Baby' is great, it is a black comedy and that is why it works, it also introduced Sid Haig.


There is 'Alligator People' from 1959 which is truly awful, Chaney plays a guy whose hand was bitten off by an alligator and spends his days getting drunk and trying to run over alligators while driving a truck. He's not in the film much I think they just wanted the name.


I'm pretty sure Tom Waits has a line about the devil's rolodex, I wonder if it was a reference to this. Although Tom was great as The Devil' '…Dr Parnasas'


Must agree, Spider Baby is a good black comedy. I don't think it was intended to have comedic elements, it just happened. Lon's almost obsequious driver/care taker role was the high point of the film.