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Robin talks about a film that the director himself always felt was compromised, but which introduced him to his favourite leading man.


52 Weeks of Hitchcock: 11. Suspicion

Robin looks at the first Hitchcock film to feature his favourite male star.



Who was it at the door?


How utterly ridiculous to change the entire reason for the story at the last minute. I can just imagine Hitch smashing tea cups! Grant must have been worried that his performance would have seemed as odd as Lugosi's when they decided after the fact that the Monster wasn't blind!


Great video. I thought it was a good film till the ending. I thought as well that it was just another line she was falling for, besides he needed the insurance and couldn’t kill her in an accident he’s involved with. I actually thought that Grant implied that he was carrying on with the maid as well. One thing I really liked was the pathologist at the dinner party using a Y incision when carving his partridge. In the interview with Dick Cavett you really get a sense Hitchcock was still upset about that ending.


It's absolutely ridiculous! It's like making Miracle on 34th Street and having police swoop in at the climax to arrest Gwinn as a bank robber.


Robin, if you want to see what censorship can do to a novel, check out the book, than the film of In A Lonely Place. Both are classics but are as different as chalk and cheese from each other. The book is one of the first to be written in first person from a serial killer's point of view--the film is a doomed romance starring Humphrey Bogart and Gloria Gaynor.


A good film example is William Malone’s 2001 film ‘feardotcom’ if you read user reviews it looks like two groups of people are talking about two different films. In effect they are, the US cut was butchered to get an R rating to the point that vital scenes are cut out rendering the film nonsense. The European cut while not the directors cut, is a solid film with a rare strong female lead and you get all the pieces of puzzle.