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Link YouTube if you want to watch the full film.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mYjtxHHjZ00


Streaming Review: Whistle and I'll Come To You


Stephen Crane

I have to admit that I'd never heard of M.R. James before this video. Yet again, you have educated me. I'm now going to seek out his short stories. Thank you.


Just the title of this is creepy.... I'll never look at Paddington Bear the same way again! I have some of the Christopher Lee versions on DVD and they are superb; very atmospheric and that rich, expressive voice works very well with the material.


I'm in heaven--this is one of my all time favorite ghost stories; while the film is different than the story, it captures the terror of Something Is Coming perfectly. As for stories I'd like to see adapted, Joe Hill's 20th Century Ghost and Voluntary Committal from his first collection are brilliant and atmospheric. I'd also like to see a lot more Shirley Jackson, such as The Honeymoon of Mrs. Smith and The Order of Charlotte's Going. Both have endings that cannot be improved upon.


Check out the written version of this for sure. It varies a bit from the film--it's got more humor and how the professor finds the whistle is more elaborate--but it's really a worthwhile read.


Thank you so much for this. It's remarkable. I knew Jonathan Miller directed for the stage, but I didn't know he made any films. Like so many people, I arrived at M.R. James through "Night of the Demon." My experience with the short stories is very limited, but based on what I remember, I'd choose "The Ash Tree."


I haven't seen this for ages, but it really is a great one. I'd love to see a good version of James' 'The Haunted Dolls' House'. One story I'd love to see a version of is 'The Sixth Sentinel' by Billy Martin (as Poppy Z. Brite) which is a great little ghost story, although if you know anything about creole myth the title gives away the ending. Another, which would be impossible to film, is a story called 'Foet' by F. Paul Wilson, a commentary on consumer culture as to how quickly a group of society ladies changed their view on the use of skin from aborted foetus' for fashion when having the opportunity to purchase a unique handbag.


I first saw this when I was about eight on, I believe, BBC2. It didn't scare me much, but I've never forgotten that feeling of quiet unease that I couldn't explain at such a young age. But it stayed with me, and that was very much the point. Great little review.


Miller's sound work in this is amazing. I saw it as a young kid, in the 70's and haven't forgotten the fear it instilled in my young brain. I promptly watched it again after seeing the review and re-frightened myself. Balls!