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Bad Movie Review: The Devil's Messenger


Stephen Crane

One film that was good without him but great with is High Noon, where he plays the ex-sheriff. He could do pathos extremely well. I don't think his career suffered because of his father but because The Wolfman was released in 1941 when Universal Horror was on the downhill slide. Movies about monsters who suck blood or clomp around strangling people can't compete with the horrors of Bergen-Belsen or the firebombing of Dresden.


Not a film, but in 1964 Chaney released a cover of Bobby 'Boris' Pickett's bland 'Monster Mash' follow up/retread 'Monster's Holiday'. He really does give the piece life and genuinely appears to be having a ball as he singtalks his way through his charming telling of a group of monsters who plan to mug Santa on Christmas Eve. It's a guilty pleasure, thanks to the great man.


Wow; making a mental note to not name any kids "Satania." Seriously, that's asking for trouble. I too wanted to chase after the mystery woman in the first segment but only to ask how the hell she got her waist so small. Did she have no internal organs?


Might have had a rib resection, or worn a corset like Scarlet O'Hara, who had a 17 inch waist when tightly laced. Neither of which are good for the internal organs.... Don't name your kids Draculina, Vampira or Nocturna either.


The Indestructible Man is elevated by him, not that it was a high bar to clear.


You could argue that 'The Throne of Fire' is the sequel, earth now post apocalyptic and Satania and John's son now taken over the family messaging business. Lon Chaney is the standout in 'Spider Baby: The maddest story ever told'. Plus he performed the theme. He actually did seem to have a real talent for comedy that I think gets overlooked.


That's exactly Graham wanted to say in the review and I said no, because casual viewers wouldn't get it. Maybe I was wrong, but I'm sure we'll talk about it in Detractor's Commentary. rb


Bobby Pickett’s ‘Monster Mash’ movie would be a great one for Robin to lay into. It’s a shame it’s incredibly hard to find. It’s written and directed by Joel Cohen (creator of ‘Toy Story’ not the Coen brother)