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Detractor's Commentary: Mind Trap


Stephen Crane

I ended up going out of my way to watch this film. I now have two films that I will regret for the rest of my life that I have subjected myself. The only compensation is that while American Hustle was made by a group of people who should have known better, I don't think that could apply to the people who made Mind Trap.


"Ten miles of pink steel" Barf!


The overall impression I get is similar to the guy who made Samurai Cop--he apparently was from a Middle Eastern country and had watched TONS of trashy straight to video action films, which, shall we say, formed his notions about America, and American women, in terrible and ridiculous ways. Every single woman in the film apparently thinks of nothing but banging each and every man she happens to meet, the instant she meets him. Add in the dialogue that should be in the "No Human Being Talks Like This" hall of fame and you get scenes so bizarre it's hard to be as offended as you know you should be.


Really glad you liked this one. I found it a couple of years ago and even though it is so bad you really can't stop watching. The director Eames Demetrios is the grandson of Charles Eames of the Eames furniture company (which is why they use Eames furniture in the film). His father is Aris Demetrios the sculpture. I have one of his books, 'Industrial design of the 20th century' and the bio in that doesn't list 'Mind Trap'. Nor do the V&A who he worked for. You can see him in 'Eames: The Architect and Painter' on PBS' You Tube channel, a film narrated by James Franco. So who knows maybe we'll get a film about the making of 'Mind Trap'. My thought is that he that saw how David Lynch went from art films to to weird slightly kinky stuff with 'Blue Velvet' and 'Twin Peaks' and thought "I can do that" then failed spectacularly.


The other name actor in this, by the way, was Lyle Waggoner, best known to most as Steve Trevor on the Wonder Woman TV show and who just passed this last year. Thank God this was not his last role, though only God could possibly know why on earth he decided to do it at all.


There is an old saying, you always take the job because you never know when it might be the last. At the end of the day he has to put food on the table.

Jasmine Zantara

Dan Haggerty had an awful 1989. Coming off 1988's Night Wars, one of my favorite low budget action thrillers, he made Night Trap, The Chilling, AND Elves in 1989. All three are unwatchable movies.


I guess that's what happens when you get busted selling coke.


Yeah, he was a pretty big star during the "Grizzly Adams" years, but that fame went away pretty quickly. Then came the cocaine. I just watched The Chilling last night. (Don't judge me.) Between him and Linda Blair, there were a lot of years of abuse up on that screen.