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Detractor's Commentary: The Phantom Planet



What gets me about this film (besides all the other glitches) is how absolutely nothing hangs together. They'll be panicking about something in one scene and by the next it's ignored. Frank's put on trial for almost crashing on their planet, found guilty... and then told he's a free citizen and help yourself to a hot chick. Even when Frank calls them out on it they don't give any explanation that makes sense!


Star Trek’s Universal Translators make more sense if you don’t actually look into them whatsoever. Certifiably Ingame has an excellent video on it if you have 10 minutes or so.


Heron didn’t seem upset that all of the women were cheering for Frank to kill him either.


At least they weren't telepaths who didn't speak at all. Even bad explanations are better than poor actors staring meaningfully into camera wondering what they are supposed to be thinking.

Stephen Crane

More and more of these B grade movies from antiquity seem to be an exercise in wish fulfilment for the directors. Whether it's the topless Native Americans or hot chicks fighting over an astronaut, it's just pure male ego stroking. Two hands on that tachometer please, Mr. Director.


BableFish gave a royalty to Save the Rhino International (the charity Adams helped set up) to use the name. Which was the deal set up when it launched in 1995, I don't know if this is the case today. In Classic Doctor Who both Three and Four explain the language thing to companions as "A time lord gift I allow you to share in" Sarah Jane questioning her ability to understand Italian is a plot point in 'The Mask of Mandragora'. I think a lot of these bland 'Heros' are basically actors doing a very bad John Wayne type.


One thing that got lost in the Roswell episode was that Nog can understand English but couldn't understand the c20 humans. As we'd probably struggle with the English of 500 years ago. Although in the finished episode this detail was overlooked. Also as Odo creates his com badge you have to assume he either can understand all languages or turns part of him into a UT.


That's nice to hear. Similar to what Terry Pratchett did with royalties for the stage versions of his books. Doctor Who does this perfectly: establish it without a fuss and then move on.

Alex B

The character of Strickland in 'The Shape of Water' did remind me of Frank Chapman in this movie.