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Detractor's Commentary: The Return of the Exorcist



Nice video cover.


Having nothing to do in Lockdown I looked this up. Nuns haven't had to have their heads shaved since Vatican 2 about a decade before this film. These days when a Nun takes the vail the mother superior will just cut four small locks (from the front back and each side to form a cross) instead. I think the actor Patrizia Gori had very tight curly hair and generally wore wigs or weaves. The only thing I've ever seen her in 'Helga, She Wolf of Stillberg' she wears a wig and her own hair is close cropped when it's removed.


Still curious as to why the Detractors' Commentary was kicked back to YouTube for Adult Content, but the Uncensored review was not....


Maybe she'd been watching Star Trek The Motionless Picture


I think it was the main character grabbing his moobs which was not in the uncut review. I can manually make something adults only if it is too edgy. But since these are all unlisted I don't tend to bother as I know no one here is going to report it.