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Bad movie Review: Revenge of the Virgins



I feel like I need a shower and some diversity training after seeing this.

Stephen Crane

The Indian girls (or are they Indigo Girls) are like "Bras? We ain't got no bras. We don't need no bras! I don't have to show you any stinkin' bras!" Well, the most obvious low budget movie idea is The Thing (from another world) from 1982. It's basically one or two sets and a bit of special effects.


I'd say thanks for introducing an Ed Wood film I wasn't aware of, but I'm not sure "thanks" is appropriate. Certainly not his worst film. Your review was entertaining as always.


5:43 I should probably eventually learn the name of this song because myself and every other old horror film fan has heard it approximately 10,000 times.


Another movie with the public domain Coleman Francis score


Great video, has anyone else noticed that Evil Robin stands in a bright corner? On a similar note 'The Misfits' would work a lot better on a small budget, it would get to the core of the story rather than whatever the film is trying to be. Plus you wouldn't have five minuets of Marilyn Monroe using a bolo bat at the camera and jiggling because even in 1961 3D was annoying. Tempted to also say every 'Star Wars' film made after 1983. Being a big story told tightly on a budget is what made 'Star Wars' work, it was an antidote to the bloated 70s blockbusters but that was forgotten by '99 and by Dizney.


Big movies with low budget... Depending on your definitions I'd say Die Hard counts. Hmmm, the same idea but on a really, really low budget would be Ruby Rose in 'The Doorman'. Ruby Rose doing Bruce Willis without the charisma.


The hall where I filmed during the last Lockdown is just too dark at this time of year. rb


Right up there with the "any two women in a room will have a pillow fight sooner or later" trope in many of these films is the "no matter what kind of strenuous exercise or harsh conditions they face, women enjoy not only going topless but barely covering any of their skin or delicate bits."


You'll hear it in Ed Wood's spiritual brother's work, Colman Francis, over and over again. Particularly in Beast of Yucca Flats.