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We will be sitting down to record the next batch of Detractor's Commentaries tomorrow, so we also thought it would be a good time to answer some of your questions like... what books did Robin get for Christmas? How we a coping with this is current lockdown and what has evil Robin done to good Robin.

Questions below.



Do either of you have a dedicated creative space and, if so, are there any personal or special touches in them you can share? Have either of you seen Raccoon Valley (2018) yet? I wouldn’t keep asking if I didn’t feel so strongly about it. Which horror subgenre needs to be shelved for a few years or, alternately, de-shelved for being under utilized? Robin, any advice for getting a story started? And does every story need a proper ending or can it just kind of stop? See: No Country For Old Men Do you ever resent a bad movie because it wasted a good title? How do you get past the sensation of a bat clinging to your face 24/7 that a goatee brings you?


The "Beard of Evil" Trope (https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/BeardOfEvil) has always fascinated me, I knew it from Star Trek, but seeing all the other media it has been used in is impressive. Beard of Evil aside, I'd love to know if there are any obscure horror "icons" (I realize obscure and icons are somewhat contradictory, but I mean people who are not well known but had a major impact on the horror film universe) that you are fans of?


To all involved with the overall production and content creation of the channel: (And please forgive if you've answered this before.) What compelled your obvious passion for these genres?


What happened to the ‘Star Chrystal’ review that was trailed sometime back? What is the worst deliberately bad movie you’ve seen. An attempt at a so bad it’s good movie? If you had to choose between living in the world of ‘Cherry 2000’ or ‘Roller Blade’ which would it be?


Do you have a mailing address for fan mail?

D R Wellington

Which of the other classic monsters will be appearing in future novels in your Universal series Robin?


So, why has Evil Robin emerged? Is there a matching Evil Graham?


Do you think that you will ever run out of bad movie fodder for DC Classic? DC Streaming has a different brief, so the material is endless, but DC Classic looks at genre films from a specific period & the Dark Lords have done a lot of reviews in the last 11 years!

Jasmine Zantara

If you had a time machine and could use it to go back in time and take the place of an actor in a silent movie, which movie and role would it be?


What are ALL the books Robin got for Christmas? What's the first horror or monster movie you remember watching that pulled the trigger for you in terms of fascination? If you could have any one costume/makeup look from any Universal monster movie to wear on Halloween, which would you pick?


Forest J. Ackerman - his part in Monster/Horror film history and (possibly) fandom - Discuss.