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Part 1 of a new Patreon-exclusive series looking at the films of Alfred Hitchcock. Still quite rough around the edges but hopefully you'll all enjoy it.

There are in fact at least 54 Hitchcock films before you get into the anomalies and grey areas, but I like this title.

The Pleasure Garden on Amazon (UK) https://amzn.to/3o4dWcf  (USA) https://amzn.to/2JwcgsP


52 Weeks of Hitchcock: 1. The Pleasure Garden

In the first part of a new Patreon-only series, Robin looks at Alfred Hitchcock's 1926 debut, The Pleasure Garden.


Stephen Crane

I shall watch this when I return from lunch with my mother (I haven't seen her since last year).

John Hepp

I enjoyed this a great deal. I knew little about the film and found your contextualization fascinating.


Off to a good start. I like the idea of going from a young Hitchcock trying to get the next job to Psycho with him at the top of his skills.


In some ways I'm just getting out of the way because I can't imagine I have anything new to say about a film that has been analysed to death.

Stephen Crane

The old adage of start as you mean to begin shows me this is going to very entertaining and informative. I admit that, even as a fan, I was aware of this movie as a listing in IMDB only.

Stephen Crane

Robin Bailes will return in...a review of Psycho.


The Dark Corner videos have been a welcome highlight of 2020. Glad that looks set to continue. Namaste.


A strong start! I know nothing about early Hitchcock so this was really interesting. I love the image of young Hitch asking Alma "Okay, is it proper to do this?" a far cry from treating actors like cattle!


Very interesting. I like that you are going to cherry pick, intermingling the famous films with those less well known. Personally, I don't think that you should worry about spoilers, but I'm the sort of person who reads the end of the novel first....


Great video, I have seen the film, ages ago. Really the only thing I remember from it was the bit with the cigarette that you mentioned. Really enjoyable video and looking forward to 'Psycho'.


That was fun. Not being very knowledgeable on Hitchcock I can say that you've taught me something. And a day without learning is a wasted day. Keep on. I'll wait for the side bar on Chalders and Caldicott...


Great job, Robin. I look forward to all your thoughts on the Hitchcock films. Your research is always informative and you do good work on your commentary. So many great films to cover, so I'll be looking forward to this series every week. Thanks Robin for tackling this project for us.


I’ve not seen a lot of Hitchcock but I always enjoy hearing passionate people talk about their favorite things.