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Robin and Graham meet online to chat about Covid restrictions, how this year went and what is up next.

Be warned Robin keeps freezing, but his audio is ok.


Patreons Undead



Listening to Robin talk about how there's nothing he needs (for Christmas) on his low-rez freezey side of the screen makes me wonder how complicated it would be to start a gofundme campaign for new equipment for him...


Merry Christmas, gentlemen.

Stephen Crane

I just realised to my horror that I never saw the second part of the Bela Lugosi documentary!


How do I see the Blue Sunshine review! Forbidden Fruit... yummy


Thanks again for Blue Sunshine 😁


When it comes to see through nighties in 'Dracula' films the best one is Wynona Ryder, who in the asylum scene is wearing bikini briefs under hers. I don't have an issue with that I do think someone on that huge set should have noticed the Speedo logo and got her a replacement. Also the Hornby logo on the points the train goes through made me chuckle.


Blue Sunshine... the anti-Rogaine!


Those points are almost enough to make me watch the film again... but not quite.


Happy Christmas, both of you and thanks for all your hard work! Robin, I relate to your family since I and my husband celebrate together every year (we both only get Christmas Eve/Day off and our respective families live out of state) and we just get tons of stuff for each other. It's just too sad looking at a skimpy pile of presents under the tree.