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As promised in the Streaming review, Robin talks a bit more on the history and inaccuracies in the film, Mank.


Rant: Mank

Robin expands on the historical inaccuracies of Mank and gets carried away.


Chris Hewson

Nice review :) By the way, is it true there's a reference to Frankenstein Meets the Wolf Man in a scene set in 1930?


Go for it. I enjoyed the rant. I feel that anything which makes you feel so pissed has to have some kernel of truth no matter what your bias. So go on, open up, full bore. I'll get a poncho and waders for when the foam and spittle get deep.


Rant with impunity. The worst thing about fake history in movies is that it has a creepy way of becoming accepted history for the audience. I haven't seen the movie, people keep pushing me to see it and, frankly, I just don't like the smell of it. And yes, "Trumbo" was ghastly.

Jasmine Zantara

I really hate the Hollywood double standard of casting older men for roles that should go to younger ones and casting younger women for roles that should go to older ones. It is more egregious with women. Once an actress hits a certain age (seems to be around 40) they typically vanish.


I'm obviously the odd man out here, but I didn't care for 'Mank' where I did enjoy 'Trumbo.' And yes, both do have quite a few inaccuracies, but at least with 'Trumbo' the film was entertaining enough to keep me engaged with really good performances from the entire cast, and 'Trumbo' at least tried to capture the personality of the individual. On the other hand, I found 'Mank' to be a snooze fest. And I didn't care much for Oldmam's performance as Mank. He seemed to relish in being a drunk jerk too much for me to even care what he was allegedly fighting for. I also felt the film was too long and dragged along in too many sequences. By the way, Louis C.K.'s character in 'Trumbo,' Arlen Hird, was a few blacklisted writers composited into one. Those writers are Alvah Bessie, Lester Cole, John Howard Lawson, Albert Maltz, and Samuel Ornitz, according to Wikipedia. Also, Buddy Ross was also a fictional character that was the composite of Dore Schary and Walter Wanger. Again, according to Wikipedia. I'm 37-years-old, and I've seen a lot of alleged biographical films about famous people, and I'd dare say that most, if not all of these type of films about are usually full of fiction because Hollywood seems to think that real life isn't very entertaining, so why bother trying to be accurate?


Rant away! Love to hear you get passionate about things. It's one of the things that makes the reviews so interesting and one of the great bonuses of being a Dark Cultist!


That is my concern. I like the film Shadow of the Vampire, but I worry that, even though it's clearly fictional, people assume Murnau was like that. So when the film is puporting to be based on truth there is a danger audiences just accept it.


Sadly true. The of Sara Mankiewicz is a pretty thankless one (no idea if that relationship is accurate) and the casting just enhances the idea that she doesn't matter.


I think our culture needs a policy of openly condemning works that put forward unsupported conspiracy theories. Apart from Mank, I'm thinking in particular of Anonymous, Roland Emmerich's film advocating the idea that Shakespeare was only a dupe and his plays were really written by the Earl of Oxford.