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Another Patreon request and... wow. This is one of the worst films I've ever seen. I don't know how we're going to cram this much badness into one review.




I bet you're really having fun with it.


You don’t have to cram it into a review if you do another Review That Isn’t A Review....


The IMDB for this movie only has photos for about 4 cast members. The shame levels are high on this one.

Stephen Crane

If I didn't know any better, I'd say you enjoy suffering through these movies. But there's boobies so I suspect that's compensation.


You can always put the really good stuff into Detractors' Commentary, and advise YouTube viewers that if they want to see it, they need to join the Dark Cult!


Especially for Graham, who gets to exercise his creativity with the special graphics!


So, Grizzly Adams and Wonder Woman's boss are in a film that sucks so bad it doesn't even have a Wikipedia entry?! This review I've got to see ASAP!


Unlike 'Troll 2' None of them have gone on to win an Oscar. IMDb's plot guide for this one starts with 'Confusing Ending' always a good sign.