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Detractor's Commentary: Danger!! Death Ray!



The mst3k guys made the joke 30 years ago, but that music sounds like a ripoff of the album Watermelon Man by Herbie Hancock


Also haven't had a tango in years


The sound effects when he's slapping that guy around sound like he's hitting him with a baseball bat!


I think I be am going to end all my Zoom calms with “and, on that note”


They riff the bottle reflection, only better, in DS9's 'Our Man, Bashir'. The scene of him wanting a holiday is reminiscent of Michael Palin's 'Ripping Yarn' 'Winnifred's Last Case' As for scotch 'I Don't want to be born' has Joan Collins pour Caroline Munro about quarter of a pint of scotch, after checking her watch to see if it's after breakfast. Although even Dame Eileen Atkins nun drinks like a sailor in that film.


I thought that thing was called “boxing the ears” over there too. Live and learn.