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After shooting it is always a mad dash to get the first reviews edited to hit our deadlines then I move on to the Detractor's Commentaries.  Sorry this is a week late.


Detractor's Commentary: TC2000



I love the dance scene! Someone should set it to a waltz.


If you want to see the ultimate example of martial artists doing their own acting just look up the poster for Force Four (1975). Its possibly the most 70’s thing thats ever existed and will also make you resent that your parents didn’t give you a name as cool as Warhawk Tanzania.


I always assume that those cool names hide something else. Like 'Warhawk' is really Wilbur or possibly Wallace, but his mates called him Wally. I'm sure that 'Snake Pliskin' is really, Stanley or Sylvester... possibly Shlomo. It's tough to be an action hero with a name like Wally or a Shlomo, where would Rock Hudson be (and that's a very cool name) if he just plain Roy? And we shall call this the Wayne-Karloff theory.