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I try not to plug my books too much on here because they're not strictly Dark Corners and because Patreon isn't supposed to be an opportunity for me to advertise. But I know that some of you do read them, so this seemed worth sharing and you are the first people to see it outside of the designer and my immediate family. This is the cover for my next book, which will be out mid-October. It's the 4th in the series, I'm working on the final draft at the moment and, as it stands, I'm pretty happy with it.




Yes, Yes, Yes! Can't wait to get notification from Amazon that this long awaited entry in the Universal Library series is available for pre-order! So happy that you have taken on Dracula and looking forward to your take on the character and the mythos. Almost got so excited by the thought of the book that I forgot to mention the stunning cover art: what is the secret of the lit room? What is the figure in the left hand window? Is the figure in the archway Dracula, or a red herring. Finally, is that Robin's eye staring balefully down from the clouds? Wonderful!!!

Chris Hewson

Oooh, awesome! I was wondering which your next entry would be! Never thought it'd be one of the big 2 yet. Though now that you mention it, we did last see Maggie in Romania, haha. I'll be curious to see where this takes Dracula, whether it's all metatextual about it, or just simply "Dracula is real, deal with it". Either would work. :)


*happy dance* Yes! I'm just starting The Vengeance of the Invisible Man and was feeling a bit bereft--perfect for Halloween reading! (I do a ton of holiday specific reading every year--Dracula, Frankenstein, Ray Bradbury's To the Dust Return'd, etc.) and this will be a great perk for the list!)


And it's about time too! I read the rest months ago. That's the problem with the youth of today, they keep getting caught up in shiny things when when they should be hammering a keyboard to give us what is obviously important and not.... SQUIRREL!


Very cool! Any interest in setting up something where Patreons can order signed copies when it is released?


Can't wait to read it.