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Detractor's Commentary: Monster from the Bottom of the Sea



is it sad I geinunely enjoy watching these kinds of movies?


No, you are very fortunate, as there are so very, very many of them about and the DC team previews them for you!


Do the natives have an actual name for the "thing"? Usually there's a fancy capitalized name for the boggart, especially if's been around so long that they're making sacrifices to it.


I liked Werewolf of London, but I wanted to see the movie that should have been made centering around that tentacled plant that was the centerpiece of the botanical show at the beginning.


For underwater photography, Creature from the Black Lagoon hits it out of the park.


I love "the movie that should have been made" moments. In a cheap little film called I Accuse My Parents, at one point the main character is out looking for a job. They show a shot of the Help Wanted ads he's perusing and highlight the job he gets in the next scene, a clerk at a shoe store. But right underneath it you can read one that says "WANTED; Young Man For Guide In India and South Seas." What?? Who's running that ad in this little nowhere town??? MAKE THAT MOVIE.


A decent underwater action scene? The 1954 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is probably the best of a bad bunch.