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Thanks to the generosity of the Dark Cultists we are able to announce our new series.  

Video Nasty will look at the so-called video nasties, films that were banned and even prosecuted in the UK in the 80s.  These will initially be available as a Patreon only exclusive until the format is solidified and then censored versions are released to everyone down the line. 

Once again, a huge thank you for your continued support and we look forward to reaching our next milestone soon.


New Series Announcement





This is worth it for Night of The Demon alone. The Video Nasties list shouldn’t have ever existed but if any of the movies belonged on it then NoTD is definitely one. Also Jason Voorhees stole Bigfoot’s moves.

Stephen Crane

I see Mary Millington in our future.


This promises to be crucial!


Excellent. Nice to hear about the quality of the response to the Harryhausen specials. Not to put too heavy a thumb on the scale, but “Häxan” might be problematic when it comes to building a special. I remember it as a film that’s very difficult to engage with because of its particular structure.


Ok, ok, I hear you.I will give you more money ! Kidding aside, will it be possible to give the list of video nasty in advance, that way it will be possible to watch them before the upload. And please, don't change! I do understand that you want your channel to grow, but the reason i'm a patreon (by the way your the only channel for wich i am a patron) it's your unique voice. There's no one like you two on Youtube. And last, Häxan would be a great choice. This movie is, maybe not underated, but not well known. (sorry for the lousy english, i'm french-speaking)


We would rather attract more Patreons than have our current cultists dig deeper. But our gratitude is endless. Here is a list of video nastys https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_nasty and here is is a link to one of our friends who did a quick overview of the all the films on the list https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S77SmQ7Sr_Q&list=PLXUhNplpwgSARqXRHd4CuSJbIo4dcTs7f


We made it!


Video Nasties? How far back are you going to go? The earliest I can think of being Brownings 'Freaks'. I assume you will be comparing the concept of what makes a a film 'nasty' compared to what the country banning it supposedly believes in at that time?


A video nasty in the series will be the films branded as suck UK censors in the 80s. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_nasty


Will you be dealing with the fact that only some of the original 79 videos were successfully prosecuted by the DPP?


I vote for The Man Who Laughs. A film that is in my personal Top Five. Would love to see a Dark Corner Special on that one.


Graham and Robin, this is AWESOME! Thank you!


Sounds like I'll be watching these from behind the Cow cushion!




I re-watched it yesterday and came to the same conclusion. I want to cover it some time but I need to do some more research, particularly of the films it influenced (Joan of Arc, The Devils). But not suitable for a quick turn around. rb


After I watched this, I went to Amazon to continue watching "100 Years of Horror". The episode was the one on Witchcraft, and there was a clip from Haxan, which I had never previously heard of!


This is a little before the '80s, but I hope you cover the original I Spit On Your Grave (1978). I felt sick when watching it and it might be the most morally bankrupt film I've ever watched.


Oh, and congratulations on reaching the £500 mark!


Congrats on your reaching the $500 mark! (American money, don't have the pound sign)