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We've had a few new shadow supporters in the past few months and I am working through their review requests. These 2 are both great films for us but for very different reasons.

Alien 2 is another unauthorised sequel (we've also looked at Shocking Dark and Ghost House, which are 'sequels' to Terminator and Evil Dead) and there's actually not a lot to say about it, the runtime is SO padded, but that gives me the opportunity to do more than just point out stuff, and in this one I end up explaining the origin of the English phrase 'coals to Newcastle'. (It is relevant, eventually.) It's nice to have a film that has a couple of big things wrong that I can focus on.

By contrast, Treasure of the 4 Crowns is classic Cannon, which means that everything is hilariously bad. I don't really want to review it, I want to watch the whole thing and talk over it because there is so much dumbness. Brilliant stuff.

You guys always find interesting films for us - they're not always suitable for various reasons and we may come back to you for a different suggestion, but we always appreciate them!






Sounds like a hoot!


Never heard the phrase “coals to Newcastle” in my life until now.


Did you ever find my one from last request, Lost Empire. It’s on Amazon Prime in U.S., but not sure about U.K. Jim Wykowski’s first film. Some weird blend of Enter the Drago, Deathstalker and Wonder Woman/Charlie’s Angels.


I managed to get out of my sisters place and wandered down to Tonbridge and the HMV store. I admit it, I spent money... lots of it. I had not realized that Arrow Video was still finding and releasing the 'cult' movies! So yes, I shelled out for the Blue Ray "Spider Baby", staring Lon Chaney Jr. in Black and White glory.. I also picked up "Jake Speed". One of the best examples of good story, great locations but... but... The execution is so goddamnawful it should be used as a 'how not to' trainer. Anyway, I'm still thinking about my request. Don't hurry me, I'll get around to it.


Sadly not. It's on Youtube but the copy is branded in the corner which is a pain. rb


I fondly recall going to see Treasure of the Four Crowns in 3D when it was released. I would see absolutely anything released in 3D during that brief resurgence in the early-80's. Sadly, once 3D came back around, they did away with gratuitous "before-the-screen" gimmicks and the films weren't nearly as much fun. If you enjoyed Crowns, the same folks made Comin' at Ya!, which is a Western that doesn't pretend to be anything but shit being thrown at the audience. If you have the capability to watch 3D Blu-rays, Comin' at Ya! is available for next to nothing. It can be a little headache-inducing, but the 3D effects are wonderfully-gratuitous. Sadly, Crowns never got a 3D Blu-ray release. The only 3D release of it was as a frame-sequential version on the short-lived VHD disc format from the 80's.


Love Alien 2 Sulla Terra, that harmonica music is nice