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A sincere and heartfelt thank you to all Patreon supporters for your help during the production of our Ray Harryhausen special.


Thank you!

A heartfelt thank you from Robin for the support of Dark Cultists through the development of our Harryhausen Special.



I can’t wait to check out the special this weekend


You sir, are the man.


It was marvellous. Thoroughly enjoyed it!


Glad to have been...sort of...on the adventure with you. Have a grand weekend.


Congratulations on completing the tribute to Ray Harryhausen. Your videos are always entertaining and informative, so I am not worried that it will be well received.


Thank YOU for reintroducing me to Harryhausen's work. I watched them all on TV a loooong time ago. Back then, it was Golden Voyage of Sinbad that made the most lasting impression on me, because of Tom Baker. Now I'm looking forward to seeing the films again, armed with my new appreciation of Harryhausen's craft.


I was trying to come up with a favorite monster but I think I’m going to have to go with no answer. Watching the special made me realize consciously (I think for the first time) that stopmotion/ claymation sets off some Uncanny Valley warning bells in my head, *especially* when its top of the line work like Harryhausen. Thinking back, I might have been too young or impressionable for Attack of The Titans, especially the Medusa scene. Consider that my answer for favorite I guess, its just that Ray kind of did his job too well. I can appreciate it completely on an intellectual level, but its hard to shake off that “wrong” feeling. That said, awesome special, I want more like it, and it made me look at both Ray and myself in new ways.


Happily enough, the 7th Voyage of Sinbad is going to be on METV (for those of us in the States) and I can't help but smile at the serendipity.


I loved it. You can hear the joy in your voice during it which made watching it all the more wonderful. Brought me back to childhood. 👏

Jim Smith

Hey, your right. It's on Svengoolie tonight. Thanks for the heads up!


I'll agree that the favorite really does depend upon the first film you saw, so for me, at 62 solar revolutions, it was Jason and so I said Talos. The animation is great but I find people under value the sound effects that went with that animation. I mentioned it before, the creaking as Talos turns his head to look down? For a young child, that was as scary as the movement itself. Please don't overlook how they added to the finished picture. The Medusa's rattlesnake shake, the wing beats of Pegasus, they're an effects multiplier that he used so well.


Please please do a lockdown review of Dolls (1987) and/or Terrorvision (1985) both are streaming a lot of places for free

Jasmine Zantara

So, after watching the special, I went out and rented 20 Million Miles to Earth on Amazon. I was totally blown away by it. The creature was so amazing! I was so touched by its sad story of being brought to and born on a foreign planet it did not want to be on and poked and prodded by nosy humans, only to be killed just because it is what it is. It was truly a marvel how Harryhausen made its expressions so passionately. My favorite moment was when the creature opened up some bags of sulfur and ate from it (a clip you used in your video and which propelled me to find the film). The gorgeous eyes and its gentle movements in this scene are breathtaking and sweet. I know I said Medusa from Clash of the TItans was my favorite Harryhausen creature, but I think I have to change my mind after seeing this. Thank you again for your wonderful special.