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Probably... We are trying to be more selective in what we review and no one has requested this one. Until about halfway through I was thinking it was a no, but I kept watching and some of the stupidity made me rethink. There's not much to say about this one, there's no sympathetic character, there's barely even a lead; nothing happens for ages and then it's just some deaths. In fact, I'm now starting to talk myself out of it again. I suppose what I liked was the idea that people could be so caught up in themselves that they don't notice they're going to get killed any minute now. The first draft of the review is written but this one may live in the 'maybe' pile for a while.




“There's not much to say about this one, there's no sympathetic character, there's barely even a lead; nothing happens for ages and then it's just some deaths.” You just described The Great Alligator except “then it’s just some deaths” is “Pol Pot has nothing on this.” I don’t heavily recommend watching it however.


So, you are saying no suggestions?


We always welcome suggestions but they're not always easy to find, and we still like to pick our own form time to time.


You guys got me with this one. Most the 70's horror I'm well familiar with, but this was a new one.


Looks cooly obscure :)