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Detractor's Commentary: House



Hey guys! I told you that I would be back, once my finances stabilized! At least you don't have to worry about reviewing "The Wild World of Batwoman" at my request anymore (I am eternally grateful for that).


I think that this is a fair take on this film. I've never seen it, but from the clips in the review it just looks like it can't make up its mind what it wants to be. It by no means looks unwatchable. If I were tied to a chair and given the choice between House and some of the other masterpieces of cinema that DC has presented, House just might win.


When a much younger me saw that swordfish flopping around on the wall it was not taken in the spirit it was intended, ditto for basically all of the other scenes. I thought of it as a pure horror for years until I saw it again and realized its certainly not, though it has the foundation (see? House joke. I’ll go now).


In answer to the question we keep asking in this commentary about how some people will react to the review; turns out they're pretty pissed. rb


I'm not surprised. The downside to social media as it pertains to entertainment is that back before the rise of the internet, you could love a certain book/movie/TV show kind of on your own. Sure there were fan clubs and people certainly had strong opinions on the kind of stuff that was cool or whatever, but you didn't feel assaulted for your choices. And if and when you outgrew or lost interest in something that was that. Nowadays, there's so many clashing virtual hurricanes over every last shred of entertainment people double down on defending a pretty random movie like it's a lost gospel or something, simply because trolling and fandoms blow every single debate up way past whatever the actual thing being debated can handle or deserve.


Granted, I haven't seen House in years, but I think that my mostly-positive reaction to it back then was due to it being such an odd film. The comedy and horror elements definitely didn't gel perfectly, but it had a ton of creatures and was never dull. It was never one of my favorites, but it was something that I was able to watch a few times and enjoy, despite its faults. I can't understand anyone upset over your review because they think House is somehow this unimpeachable classic, but I always found it slightly above average and a decent way to spend 90 minutes or so. Now, had I watched it recently, that might not be the case any longer. It's been a really long time.


I completely agree with you, Brian. The movie is not some "sacred cow" that warrants any ire over some criticism. But I have seen it a couple of times (with my wife) and we enjoyed it for what it truly is - a mild diversion. My favorite venue for the film comes from New Castle After Dark ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmMGcVQnSFM ). Kicking back with a (dark) beer and watching those 2 guys present the movie is definitely a good way to spend 90 minutes...


Robin's comment about how movies try to make writing seem all torturous came back to me as I was reading [Jackson's lecture Experience and Fiction: "It is most agreeable to be a writer of fiction for several reasons--one of the most important being, of course, is that you can persuade people that it is really work if you look haggard enough [...]"


To take it further, less than 1% of all films are “sacred cows”. This includes almost every horror film in existence. So to set that as a baseline isn’t a good place to start. How about we look at any film criticism as a start for discussion on a particular film, then if said criticism has any points that might be argued, so be it. And in that respect, I feel Robin’s review to come from a place of not connecting to the material. His review doesn’t present many arguable reasons for his dislike. Like his comment re: what is or isn’t a proper topic for comedy. This is not a valid criticism, but an opinion based on personal dislikes. Need I name several classics based on the ones he mentioned that use comedy to excellent effect? He’s an excellent critic but in this instance, he dropped the ball.


I believe you're right, Brent, regarding the "personal dislikes" comment. Even so, it was interesting to see a negative point of view, since this one is something that I hadn't expected. It offered the opportunity to see an opinion that dispensed with any technical issues. But, rather, it presented a pan based on more subtle aspects. In any case, this review was exceptional insofar as it generated some rather thoughtful (and intellectual) comments from our Patreon comrades.

Jasmine Zantara

Strange. I was eight when this came out and the television ads freaked me out for a long time. When I finally saw the movie seven years later, I was massively disappointed at how silly it all was. It should have been so frightening! I am surprised to hear there is such love for it. Now, House II: The Second Story, which was marketed as a comedy-horror, is a movie I just love to pieces. House III is actually The Horror Show, with Lance Henrikson and Brion James, though it bear little resemblance to anything else in the series. It is enjoyable, mostly because James is one of the greatest actors ever. House IV inexplicably brings back William Katt and bumps him off early. Tonally it is like the first one. House V is also called Beyond Darkness and it is terrible.